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View Full Version : Is this a ridiculous idea?

Eva May
01-08-11, 20:47
I live alone and through my panic attacks I've not developed very close friendships and when I feel less anxious I crave some company but I don't have anyone to call on. I was thinking of moving in with someone just to have that bit of company and maybe make a new friend BUT I also want to keep my current place because I need somewhere to go sometimes when I need to be alone. I'm going to be single soon so I'll be even more alone and I just miss the fun sociable person I used to be and need a way to ease back into it. I've looked into it and if I'm careful I could afford both but does this seem like kind of a stupid idea?

02-08-11, 15:31
Sorry to hear that you're having a tough time at the moment. I can see where you are coming from with your idea, but I think you might be better off first exploring some other ideas that would enable you to have a bit of company when you feel like it. So for example, could you manage an evening class at college, an exercise class, a reading group, a walking group, that kind of thing? That way you can pick and choose when you feel up to it, you'll be mixing with people with similar interests to you and there's more chance that you'll get on well with them and start forming friendships, plus it will work out a lot cheaper than paying rent on two places :-)

The thing with moving in with someone (assuming it's someone you don't know?) is that you don't know if you'll have anything in common with them and it kind of sounds like you'd be relying on them for company and friendship, but you don't know that they'll feel the same. Maybe they'll hardly come out of their room, maybe they'll be out all of the time with their friends or want their friends over at the house all the time which you might find even more anxiety provoking. A lot of people that take in a lodger or do a house share are just literally looking for someone to split the bills with.

Eva May
02-08-11, 22:47
maybe they'll be out all of the time with their friends or want their friends over at the house all the time which you might find even more anxiety provoking.

That's a good point actually didn't consider that