View Full Version : My story

01-08-11, 21:14
Hi, Im new to this forum and im trying to diagnose if I have an anxiety issue or GAD. I have been a constant worrier for my whole life, I worry over everything and even things that have nothing to do with me. I have been to my doctors about headaches, tiredness all the time (i can sleep for 15hours), having no energy, constant sweating, shaking, twitching. It's getting to the point where I don't want to anything any more and my doctors diagnose me with hay fever but deep down I know it's something more than that. At the moment im off from university so all I do is stay in my bedroom and listen to music. I won't go out in the car because im afraid I will crash, I can't go shopping or even walk my dogs outside because im scared someone will say something to me. I have always been like this so I didn't think of anything but reading these GAD forums it sounds so familiar to me. I even went to the cinema last week and I was shaking just asking the women for 2 tickets to see a film and it's getting me really down, I feel like I haven't got a life and that im going to die without even living. It upsetting. If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it and would really like to hear other people stories too.
Thanks x

01-08-11, 21:19
Oh bless you! Yep it sounds like anxiety to me. Very familiar.

You must go back to your doctor and tell him how you feel. Not just the physical but how you feel emotionally. I know that's strange! Used to going to doctor for physical things! Tell him or her what you have told us! They can help you so much! But you've got to tell them how it is! There is a lot they can do to help you! They really can!

Much love

Mabel xxx

01-08-11, 21:22
Aw thanks Mabel, I do want to go but im scared but I'm going to have to if im going to get better x thanks

01-08-11, 21:31
Yep! Please go! Its a bit scary but the relief you get from talking about it is amazing!!!! Just open up! The weight on your shoulders will lift!!! They've heard it all before and know its horrible and they know what to do!!!

They can help you! And if they can't they will know someone who can help you! Well done for recognising it! Took me ages! Focussed on my physical symptoms for too long! Really thought there was something physically wrong!
Was anxiety all along! Not that anxiety is easy to deal with! But if you know why you feel so awful then you can tackle it in the right way! So then finally I could get the help I needed!!!

Mabel xxx