View Full Version : Very Important Life Lessons I Learned Today.....

01-08-11, 22:23
Hello beautiful people! (This starts boring, but stay with me....)

Some of you may know I have been plagued by computer issues since I joined this site (April). I haven't been able to send email at all through my business account (I am self employed). First my old computer broke down, (for a long time thought I'd lost all my data) then the new one still didn't set up properly to send those damn messages!

Anyway, I have been on the phone to (and they have been on my computer remotely too) HP, Norton, Be Internet, Microsoft..... And I MEAN beeen on the phone - for HOURS!!!!! Each day... and no-one could sort it out.

Anyway, tonight I thought I would have another go at it before I was going to send the new laptop back because that in itself would cause me even more problems, like how to erase my data from a hard drive that also runs the OS.......

So, I found a small 'error'.... i just tried putting a 1 before a dot not after...........so BAM , unbelievably it worked! I had to restart the computer 3 times before I believed it, and also then transfer the good news to my phone (which hadn't been able to have mails for ONE YEAR!!!)

I cannot DESCRIBE the RELIEF!!! Oddly I feel I can breathe even though I didn't know I wasn't breathing before, even though I should have done as I teach yoga as a living for gods sake :unsure:

I have been more productive in the last 2 hours than I have been since April.

So, it 'could' be I'm just changing from one state to another (it really does happen this way - sorry guys but you may get the 'hyper' back in the yogi ha ha !!) However, even if this is true, then (omg thanks so much whatever has gone on in my brain to get me out of that pit of crap) somewhere in there is a lesson for all of us I think....

Believe in yourself and each day try to achieve one small thing you didn't think you could do......

I reallly realllyy thought I was sooo useless. And the more I couldn't achieve this ONE THING - sending mails, the more I felt like I wasn't worth anything. And then I ceased to achieve ANYTHING. Now I have to say this isn't totally about a computer. I've had these feelings for nearly 20 years. And yes, I'm anxious and panicy and hyper, then crash, trying to run through treacle-depressed, then hyper-happy, then ... you all know where that's going.....

BUT maybe it's about how you realise what triggers these feelings and how it can spiral out of control.

I sent myself mails saying you are brilliant, microsoft are crap!!!!

I would like to say to ALL OF YOU!


One thing CAN make a difference. Do ONE thing each day you didn't think you could. We are all stronger than anyone in the entire world will ever know.
Love and hope to all, Hyper xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

PS, having my first session of cbt tomorrow! I was ooo scared until tonight! Will let you know what they make of me ha ha !!

01-08-11, 22:28

grand post yogi............made me smile a lot ..........:hugs:

02-08-11, 13:17
well done by the way the word is wonderfull,,,,,, keep up lol
god bless