View Full Version : Newby

01-08-11, 22:27
Hi Am new to posting on forums so please forgive any silly mistakes.

I first suffered with anxiety over 12 years ago and with a combination of meds (seroxat) and CBT I managed to overcome it and bar a couple of wobbles, have lived more or less anxiety free for the last 10 years.

However, in the last few months my anxiety has returned with a vengeance and is spoiling my life! I am now on meds again (fluoxetine this time) and am trying to work through my breathing and CBT techniques, but sometimes I feel that there is definately something wrong (mainly with my heart) that for some reason the docs just can't find! Know what I mean?

Anyway, have browsed this forum and seen how much support there is. hope I can offer some to other users as well as accept some myself.

Thanks for reading.

01-08-11, 22:28
Hi kinnygirl1

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-08-11, 02:10
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you get the advice and help you need and maybe make a few friends in the process
