View Full Version : Can someone give me advice?

02-08-11, 00:07
I hope this doesn't make me sound thick but I'd like to know why it actually takes so long for antidepressants, especially SSRIs, to start working? I know it needs a while to get into your system but a month is how long I need to give Cit to work, says my GP. But then won't it be in my system so much I can't just ditch them and go cold turkey, surely?

I'm terrified of starting my pills. I know it's cowardly. I need to get a grip. I've been so ill these past few weeks that I know I want to give them a chance, I just hate the fact it's going to be a long haul. I don't have much alternative, I just wish there was something better, that you could take and know almost straight away that it will work... Oh in the perfect world eh!

Also if anyone could post their positive experiences that would be great.

02-08-11, 02:17
Just hang on and im sure someone will postto you soon.:)

02-08-11, 04:02
I hope this doesn't make me sound thick but I'd like to know why it actually takes so long for antidepressants, especially SSRIs, to start working? I know it needs a while to get into your system but a month is how long I need to give Cit to work, says my GP. But then won't it be in my system so much I can't just ditch them and go cold turkey, surely?

I'm terrified of starting my pills. I know it's cowardly. I need to get a grip. I've been so ill these past few weeks that I know I want to give them a chance, I just hate the fact it's going to be a long haul. I don't have much alternative, I just wish there was something better, that you could take and know almost straight away that it will work... Oh in the perfect world eh!

Also if anyone could post their positive experiences that would be great.

Hi Panicpanda,

so sorry your going through rough time. cit takes a while to work, what does are you to take? yes it's scary to take new tablets, especially when you dont know if they will work. how will you know if they work if you dont try them. you can keep posting here to let us know how you are feeling. they worked for me, helped with my anxiety. though took time to kick in, once you are on them they will work.

if your still worried about taking them, go and see your gp.

I hope you feel better soon. keep posting here, you will get lots of support and help here. :hugs:


02-08-11, 19:05
I hope this doesn't make me sound thick but I'd like to know why it actually takes so long for antidepressants, especially SSRIs, to start working? I know it needs a while to get into your system but a month is how long I need to give Cit to work, says my GP. But then won't it be in my system so much I can't just ditch them and go cold turkey, surely?

I'm terrified of starting my pills. I know it's cowardly. I need to get a grip. I've been so ill these past few weeks that I know I want to give them a chance, I just hate the fact it's going to be a long haul. I don't have much alternative, I just wish there was something better, that you could take and know almost straight away that it will work... Oh in the perfect world eh!

Also if anyone could post their positive experiences that would be great.

I'm led to believe, that when you first starting taking a SSRI (I was on Citalopram), your Serotonin levels in the brain actually reduce, hence increased anxiety being one of the listed initial side effects. Once the brain gets used to the drug, the Serotonin levels begin to stabilise again and then the drug does what it is supposed to and stop Serotonin from leaving the brain so easily.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to PM me.

07-08-11, 11:32

It will take a few months to begin to effect, but also it will depend on the dose and what level you need to eventually move up to. I was up to 40mg before I started to level off with my depression - it took me 6 months or so to get there, increasing at 5mg every few weeks, so that the side effects would wear off.
I wanted to give up many times, but thanks to a nagging husband, brother and sister-in-law, convinced me that I'd tried everything else and so what had I go to lose? Better to try, in case it does work, than not to try at all. It won't work for all, but if it does, it makes the world of difference.