View Full Version : 56 And A Walking Timebomb According To Medical Experts

02-08-11, 01:34
Im so depressed. I feel like at my age that im doomed. Age 56 . For the last few years I have laid around alot and got minimum exercised but really laid around. Im overweight by the bmi but no obese. I have led a very active life,alot of manual labor and been involved in outdoor things but in the last few years I have laid down most of the time and been indoors,which I knew wasnt good for yoy but didnt really think it coukd hurt you. Now I know it can do you in. I have weighed more than I do now for months ait the time but then got back down to a good weight.I eat right and now I walk five times a week and work in the yard some but thats all. I have been smoking for 40. years which now scares me.I have many of the high risk for almost every major illness. I smoke,im overweight, im over 55 and my famiky has a history of diabetis and heart disease.The only thing I have going for me is that many of my family has longevity. I dont know if this will help me or not but im hoping. Even thosoe who smoked lived in their 80's and some in their 90's . Yes I know that I have posted alot lately but everything I read shouts no smoking,famil history of hesrt disease and also being over 55 . I might as well just lie down and do nothing and wait for death. Everytime I read the risk for diseases it always says these factors have the highest risk. Im petrified now that im a walking timebomb and im depressed as I cant get hapoy about anything because It feels like I could go off anytime. What am I going to do? Im miserable and o anxious and dont want to go to the drs every minute. I feel like im in prison because im afrais to live yet afraid to die. I have become so body aware aind action consccience that I can barely move. I aplogise for all the long post but I have been really down and scared. Thanks for reading this and sorry for so many post.

02-08-11, 01:56
The one immediate positive thing you could do right away would be to stop smoking. I smoked over 40 cigarettes a day until the age of 42 when I stopped with the help of nicotine patches. I always thought of myself as a smoker, and it was hard at first to imagine life without smoking. Now, 6 years on, I feel an idiot for all the years I did smoke. It’s amazing what a new lease of life it gives you when you stop smoking. You feel all round healthier, cleaner, more vibrant, and get a good feeling about your body. It is never too late to quit. Have you thought about it? It might just be the key to stop you worrying so much about your health.

I’m no expert but I believe that good genes, or in this case, genes that point to longevity play a huge part in living a long life. You only have to look at the Queen, still riding horses and walking up flights of steps without a stick at 85 to see that. The Queen Mother lived a very active life to about 104, I believe. With relatives that lived into their 80s and 90s you have a long way ahead of you yet.

I think everyone feels a little sad as they get older. We all look back and say ‘I once could do that’. But really we should look at the other side of the coin. At all the things we can still do. Fifty-six isn’t that old. My Dad only learned to drive at 56!

Have you ever had any therapy to see why you are so preoccupied with aging? It seems to me that therapy could help a lot. Life is a risky business. There are any number of things that could go wrong, but for most people, these do not happen, as the average life span figures show. We need to make a concerted effort to focus on the bright side and enjoy this precious life we have been given. If you are unable to do that, therapy might be able to change your perspective in a way that you have been unable to do alone.

02-08-11, 02:13
I have often thought about quitting smoking but as anxious as I am I worry if that would be the straw that broke the camels back. Im afraid I would go off the deep end but then again I think of all the times I have flown 14 hour flights and didnt even want a cigerette I might be able to.I guess you aee right about therapy. I suppose I need to find a therpist. I never thought I would be so preoccupied with aging. I suppose I never thought I would live that long.i was thinking,yes the queen was a smoker too right? Hmm something to think about there:)Hopefully the longevity will apply to me I hope I hope.You are right I should be glad of what I can still do,but I miss the things I used to could do to....But Ill sure try to be a litle more thankful and try to enjoy life a little more.Thanks for taking time to make me feel better,and ill give so thought to quitting smoking:)

02-08-11, 09:37
I know exactly how you feel, i'm a smoker too and to be honest i think most smokers feel the same as you do.

My dad has diabetes and has had two heart attacks, my mum has copd and angina, and i keep thinking to myself, which one am i going to wait to get before i give up smoking!!!!!!!!

I'm going to have another go of giving up on the patches, i wanna be where Rain is now and six years on, thank you Rain it is so encouraging to hear success stories on people who have managed to quit.

Lookingforanswers, if you do decide to give up, then keep us updated and we'll support you best we can.

di xx

02-08-11, 15:26
Hi looking for answers :)

so understand what you are saying here .........when on a downward spiral I feel exactly the same . I am a year older and wonder where that lass went who worked hard and was out doors hiking and gardening went .
Rain gave us a wonderful post ...we got to appreciate what we have and live each and every day in the moment . dont forecast the future .xx

I self medicated for too many years before realising that I actually had an illness .so yes too many cigs and glasses of wine on an evening .and no doubt it has affected my body .
but we can start again now you and me and others here to make a difference to our health .
you sound as though you have lead an active life and it is recently the hell of health anxiety has taken a grip .
all that time has helped your body so dont feel the hammer is waiting to fall mate ....we are not that old :D

I am up for a forum health page to get us started looking for answers

after a long time quit I picked up the cigs again :mad:..........so am back on track for NO MORE . Done it before and will do again and the benefits are amazing .......just shows me up for being silly to think all the answers are in nicotine .

let us take control back for once from this devil anxiety .

and also I never ever forget how thankful I am for reaching the age I have without serious illness .

you take care .[also looking up meditation online ]

03-08-11, 00:36
Thanks for replying and yes I am reading about meditation now and think it will help.Also I am thinking about quitting smoking and If I do Ill let you all know hat wy we can give each other moral support. Thanks or the meaningful replies I appreciate it nd it doesnt mke me feel so alone:)

03-08-11, 00:59
Hi Michael

I ask you this: What is the point in longevity of life, if you are unhappy? I am asking because I certainly have had my share of anxiety and depression since I was a kid, now physical illnesses as well and I don't wanna live in this misery any more than I can help it!

As for smoking, I am probably the only ex-smoker in the world who doesn't tell people to give up because it's bloody hard! I am 54 this month and I think I am a walking timebomb:ohmy::ohmy::ohmy: I am over weight for the first time in my life because of giving up smoking, I do eat a bit more than I used to but mainly I eat all the wrong things! I need the stimulation from sugar that I'm not getting from the cigs!!:blush::blush:

Anyway back to you. You have lots of health anxiety of late Michael, do you take any kind of medication? I certainly would recommend you see a therapist to talk through these issues if you can afford it/have health insurance.

On another note of genetics. Do you really think that a lot of these illnesses run in families? Do you think that these studies are correct or just coincidence? Just asking, no one jump on me lol:huh:


03-08-11, 01:05
I dont know im totally lost about the help of having of genetics. Im not sure anything really helps but who am I to say? The therapy yes ill probally try to get some help and meds no I really dont want that. Food I like less everyday.Sugar I do partake of on limited amount not because im avoiding it Im just not into it. Smoking ah yess smoking ,im not sure what to do about that. By the way did you see the post I put here about arm weakness?