View Full Version : Paranormal Activity

02-08-11, 01:55
Our house is haunted. I'm quite sure of it. Taps turn on by themselves. It's either something paranormal or dodgy plumbing (quite likely)

Maybe this is why I feel like I'm being watched constantly? I don't even like talking on the phone because I think someone - or something - can hear me.


02-08-11, 02:15
Give me your full address. I would love to come for a visit. I like haunted houses but all my life 56 years I have never ever seen or heard a ghost and I have been to cemeteries at night and stayed in places that are suppose to be haunted but nothing:(

02-08-11, 08:18
We have had a few odd things happen in our home as well, such as the computer turning itself on, my husband swears blind things have been moved and he has had a couple of instances when he has swore someone has actually touched his ear. I have had a couple of instances when I have been lay on the bed, and felt the end of the bed move slightly and looked expecting to see that the cat had jumped on the bed as usual but nothing in there. I have also woken up to hear crying. And last year we stayed in a lovely cottage which used to be a chapel, but even tho it was lovely there was a feeling there. We stayed 2 nights, then my husband insisted we go home cause he felt like he was being watched constantly. To be honest tho I do hope ghosts exist (as long as they are not malicious) cause that means that there is life after death surely?xx

02-08-11, 08:25
Hmmm guess the ghost dont like me....never had anything happen and I been in many supposely haunted places:(

02-08-11, 13:57
Give me your full address.(

haha I can do better than that - it's for sale so you can buy it!

My father knows someone who moved out from their house because of poltergeist activity. Proper horror movie stuff: screaming, slamming doors, heavy footsteps, shaking bed, moving objects, flickering lights etc.

They where in the news http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1361391/Paranormal-Activity-Couple-spend-3-000-hotels-ghosts-force-home.html

02-08-11, 15:26
I had never had anything happen to me that I could call paranormal until about 2 weeks ago.That's if it IS paranormal.....anyway,my wife and myself were watching the TV (Night at the Museum),when the volume indicator came up on the screen and proceeded to go to maximum.I looked at my wife (who I wrongly assumed had the remote),but found she was looking at me cos she thought I'd got it.Now she was on the far side of the lounge,and then I saw the remote,it was on the sofa about 3 feet away from me.We have a Border Terrier and jumped to the conclusion that he had sat on it until I realised he was sat right close to me,leaning against my side.The only thing in contact with the remote was a folded newspaper,which lay half-over the remote.But after handling the newspaper,I knew from its weight that it would never have been able to alter the volume button simply by itself.I have thought this over many times since and am unable to come up with a logical answer as to why the remote's volume was pushed up to maximum.

My wife has mentioned a few times that she has felt a weight pushing down on the side of our bed whilst she has been the only person in it.I have never taken her claims seriously before.Incidentally,our bed,which had one previous set of owners who had bought it but split up and was good as new,should have cost us in the region of £1400 but we got it at a ridiculously low price of £30 because of a slight mark on the main bed.Could our bed have some kind of sinister past?Before I would have said no,but now?

02-08-11, 17:15
Oooh spooky! I have a friend of a friend who says that every now and then in her home, her name is said and something pink is thrown at her. She thought it was quite funny until she was in hospital with a barbie pencil inbedded in her ear :L

(I don't beleive in conscious entitites, but I do believe in trapped energy and memories, emotions in a building.)

02-08-11, 17:16
the volume indicator came up on the screen and proceeded to go to maximum

Your ghost clearly has hearing problems...

03-08-11, 00:55
Your ghost clearly has hearing problems...
So does your friend of a friend:D

I don't know what to believe because it suggests the existance of an afterlife. Too deep for me.

03-08-11, 01:53

03-08-11, 04:44
I had never had anything happen to me that I could call paranormal until about 2 weeks ago.That's if it IS paranormal.....anyway,my wife and myself were watching the TV (Night at the Museum),when the volume indicator came up on the screen and proceeded to go to maximum.I looked at my wife (who I wrongly assumed had the remote),but found she was looking at me cos she thought I'd got it.Now she was on the far side of the lounge,and then I saw the remote,it was on the sofa about 3 feet away from me.We have a Border Terrier and jumped to the conclusion that he had sat on it until I realised he was sat right close to me,leaning against my side.The only thing in contact with the remote was a folded newspaper,which lay half-over the remote.But after handling the newspaper,I knew from its weight that it would never have been able to alter the volume button simply by itself.I have thought this over many times since and am unable to come up with a logical answer as to why the remote's volume was pushed up to maximum.
It's always possible that a neighbour has a similar make of TV and the way it was being pointed changed your volume as well? My TV has changed before like this (usually switching channels) and I'm sure we aren't haunted.

Faulty plumbing can also cause all sorts of weird things. I used to live in a house that had air trapped in the pipes and it caused them to bang uncontrolably. Different variations in water pressure can cause a tap to come on when you think it is off, the greater pressure just forces the water through and you have to turn it off tighter.

Can't explain some of the other things on here though. :scared15:

03-08-11, 15:55
:roflmao:Sorry some of the responses made me giggle here! I personally don't believe in such things as that..but again I have never experienced it myself..these happenings.

04-08-11, 12:42
Ooh. I'm jealous, I'd love to have a ghost!