View Full Version : Body jolting upon sleeping or almost sleeping

02-08-11, 07:18
Anyone else get body jolts upon almost sleeoing. I used to lmost jump out of bed on sleeping then I went to just my hips on down jolting now my shouljders jumps right before I dose. It also takes me several hours to really sleep. I will go into a ten minute deep sleep and then wake up like all the muscles and nerves are tense and I toss and turn for hours finally dropping off to a deep sleep other times I wake every hour on the hour. Anyone else experience any of this?

02-08-11, 12:52
The jumping sensation I can completely sympathise with. I have a sudden vision i'm falling, usually off a step but the other day i'd been walking on cliffs and the image of falling from a cliff came into my head. I'm reliably informed from Dr's, Nurses etc that this is a sudden drop in blood pressure which happens as you're drifting off to sleep. Nothing to worry about, perhaps get your blood pressure checked, if you're on medication for any conditions (anti-depressants/anti anxiety) these can cause your blood pressure to drop. My happen regularly as low BP runs on my mothers side but have been made worse by medications in the past.

02-08-11, 14:41
Hiya, I've had it every night for around 5 years now... it's making life very difficult, and each day is getting harder because of my poor sleep... I tried in vain to get a referral for a sleep clinic, but was refused time after time... no matter how hard I pleaded :( I put mine down to my severe anxiety, which I can control in my "waking state", but not in the transition to sleep, or in sleep itself. I have horrific night terrors (part of my ptsd):
Hopefully your's isn't anywhere as serious as mine!
Try relaxation exercises at night, and maybe burn some lavender oil :) Sweet dreams

02-08-11, 15:44
I believe they're called Hypnic jerks and are harmless. They tend to happen more when you are tired, which is ironic because having them makes you tired!!

02-08-11, 21:09
It happens as you are descending into deep sleep. When we drift of into sleep, the body undergoes changes in temperature, breathing and muscle relaxation. The hypnic jerk may be a result of the muscles relaxing. The brain misinterprets this as a sign of falling and signals our limbs to wake up; hence the jerking legs or arms. As this happens in a split second, your brain conjures up an image of you falling, which then leads you to think you were dreaming at the time.

02-08-11, 21:20
hmmm I think maybe its just muscles relaxing and anxiety makes you really tired plus the hours we keep we dont get enough rest and that makes us tired:) Thanks everyone!

16-08-11, 23:37
Im not sure what is going on. The jerks are changing . At night both my hips jerk when falling asleep nd this morning when I was waking both my feet jerked around twice. Im starting to think I have ALS or MS or something. I am getting all kind of jerks at night when going to sleep. No two ever seems the same. Anyone else going through this?

16-08-11, 23:47
I get it sometimes too Michael..My Hubby gets it a lot and he wakes me up :lac:..It is common and it has a name but I cant remember it .But it isnt a symptom of anything and is nothing to worry about ..Damn annoying tho ..:mad:T/c Sue x

17-08-11, 00:03
Yeah I tell you ,its pretty weird and I use to only have body jolts where when you are falling asleep you bolt up but now its just got plain weird. Wife has some like RLS but she says had it for a long time but today the shaking of the feet those two times freaked me out.:) Hope its nothing,thanks for writting to me Sue I truly appreciate it.

17-08-11, 02:03
Went back and read some old threads and found my answer about the kegs shaking upon waking.RLR had answered a post with the info in it.