View Full Version : Arm weakness ribcage tightness Yes still hung up on this:(

02-08-11, 07:26
Worried so worried. Everyday my arm feels heavy and tired and just weird and every evening I get tightnesd in my ribcage on my right side from the middle of my ribs down to my hips. Its not really painfull just feels like someone is streching my muscles from side to side and my pectorial muscles and the muscles in my arms but I do type with that arm and I do hold my arm up to type and I lay on my left side. Im worried about heart as tgey say you can have chest tightness on your right side from heart problems snd also arm waekness but I have checked my pulse when this happens an my pulse is normal but I still worry. Please anyone else have this kind of feelings? Is it probally overuse of muscle or maybe heart issues? Please help?

02-08-11, 20:42

02-08-11, 22:20

03-08-11, 00:37
Im just wondering....nobody else feels this????

03-08-11, 01:11
Hey ho Michael

You're sure having a bad time lately, prayers on their way for you.

I think you are so tense and anxious lately that you are seeing everything that is any different than usual and maybe even some stuff that isn't there? Most people with anxiety and health anxiety have heart neurosis. I can tell you that I was 12 when I thought I was having a heart attack due to pain in the chest and numbness in the arms etc, imagine a 12 year old thinking that? I am still here:shades:

It is prolly not over-use of the muscles, cause I've seen a photo of you and you're not a little weakling:blush::blush: but if you are holding yourself in a bad way because of tension, then you are going to feel all these different things in ure muscles and panic as to what they are!

No word of a lie, at the moment I am sitting in a weird position because I feel hot and tense, my left leg, hip and back are pulling but I only know that because I decided to 'listen' into what was happening in my body to let you know that we all feel the same way when tense and anxious.

Sorry if I'm babbling, but I am trying to help you.


03-08-11, 01:28
Thanks Els....what photo did you see of me ?Yes I guess im nuerotic as most of us here .I guess I should quit asking questions and just listen to my inner self and maybe forget about being afraid of anything. Sorry I bugged you about this post and yes its probally just tension. I guess ill find out. Thnks for trying to help ,at least you cared enough to try and ill try to be better. Thanks again.

03-08-11, 06:41
My ribs and belly have feeling tight today, not sure why, might be wind or something.
Hope your feeling better :)

03-08-11, 07:03
Thanks Mishel sorry you are feeling bad. Right now im pulled up in bed hurting in my side reall bad with a heating pad and took ibprofen and waiting for it to subside. My wife says its probally cause Zi have been walking alot and lost weight on my sides and thats why its strecthed. She said the stomach muscles tighten up when you walk and loose weight.hope you start feeling better soon:)

03-08-11, 09:35
I have had a tight sensation in my upper chest (pec area) for the last week. It started after a long period of crying - I had been so down for 4 days then when I cheered up a bit I noticed this. I had a tight band around my throat for a few days which I got checked out at the doctors and got the all clear. The same sensation has moved down and is worrying me sick as the breathlessness is back too. I am convinced it's something sinister but have paid that many visits to my doctor I daren't go back as I'm sure he's going to section me or ban me at this rate!!

I hope your aches are getting better.

I do find that if I distract myself it eases but it's hard when I'm so sensitive to everything :S

07-08-11, 17:20
I get similar sensations but on the left.

It's usually a 'bruised' feeling towards the bottom of my left ribcage, although it does come and go. It can sometimes be a stabbing pain or just a sensation as well. I often have a bit of a dead left arm with pins and needles if I lay down as well.

All part and parcel of the joys of anxiety, but still difficult to ignore.

I was hooked up to an ECG and had bloods done a month ago and all was fine, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. :)