View Full Version : Setback I Think

02-08-11, 12:41
I have just been out for a little walk all was fine until I was walking up some steps when It seemed that for a split second I seemed to lurch forward in my head but I did,nt please has anyone else had this happen to them,as I had a good day this seems to have put be back where I started from.Thank you

02-08-11, 20:16
Might just be a momentary loss of balance, you might have been tired, and it's not uncommon on steps to misjudge things and it feels like a "lurch" as you over or under compensate for where you think the ground was. It happened to me a few weeks ago going downstairs, I thought I was on the last step and I wasn't, nearly ended up through the front door :) So I would try not to worry about it.

02-08-11, 20:36
It happens at least once a week and used to start my panic off,but I have learnt to ignore it (nearly)"Que Sera, Sera what ever will be will be.thanks for your reply

02-08-11, 21:57
Happens to me!
I know (as do you) from experience that its fine and nothing is going to happen!

These days I just sigh to myself when it happens! Tell myself its anxiety and carry on! Its soon forgotten! And it doesn't matter! Tiny part of your day!

Mabel xxx

03-08-11, 06:52
Thanks Mabel for your lovely reply,yes you are right of course,its just one second out of 86400 seconds in a day.onwards and upwards