View Full Version : What's wrong with me - help needed

02-08-11, 13:18
What's wrong with me? I am feeling really low and I have been for the last 12 months. Last week i got worse, it was Monday and I couldn't stop crying and panicking. I've felt so low everyday, crying, panicking , waking at night in a sweat worried about work.
Went to see my doctor on Saturday morning and described how I felt, gave me amitriptyline to take at night to help me sleep , and also said they may lift my spirits, but they havent.She wanted to put me on anti depressants but I am reluctant as my employer has to know any meds I take.
Today i feel so low, I just want to goto sleep. That's when I am worry free.
I may have to visit the doctor again? Gonna see how I feel next week.
The amitriptyline are not helping me sleep! They don't seem to have lifted my mood either yet as i was hoping they would. Still Ive only been on them 3 days. I took 3 lastnight and did not sleep any better. I wake up with work on my mind.

What is wrong? Am I depressed? Anxious? Stressed?
What meds would work for me? Just want to feel normal again.
Please help, I feel so lost. And don't know what to do, my confidence has disappeared aswell .
How long would the doctor give me a sicknote for???

02-08-11, 13:39
you need to go back your doctor and i would say the best thing would be anti-depressants but these work different for everyone i was feeling the same as you are but it got so bad i HAD to start anti-depressants and i had put them off for so long but i was sick of feeling that way no matter what i tried nothing worked i just felt awful just cried 24/7 couldn't eat or anything but once i started citalopram after a few weeks i started feeling myself again xx
as you sound like you are suffering from anxiety/depression i really think these will help you x

paula lynne
02-08-11, 15:26
Hi Yorkman, have you had chance to read the info in the left hand column yet on depression, anxiety, and panic?
Give the amitryptyline a bit longer to work ok, you only had them saturday, it takes a few weeks to kick in. x

02-08-11, 16:24
Yes i have read nearly all the info on the site now thanks.
Just been to the shop and i feel in a daze walking about. I feel terrible. Upset, panicky, heart beats faster, indecisive, no confidence. Far from my usual self. I find it hard to enter or take part in conversation when I'm like this. I even find it hard talking and making conversation to my fiancée! Surely people at work must notice a difference???
The way I feel I can't wait a few weeks for the amitriptyline to work. They were basically given so I could sleep with the bonus of maybe lifting my spirits ???
I'm back at work on Friday and can't bear to go. If I went to the docs again how long would I get a sicknote for?

02-08-11, 18:23
How did you get on with the Claire Weekes audio's as well?

02-08-11, 19:01
ami is an anti depressant isn't it? in high doses anyway, what dose are u on?

02-08-11, 20:00
ami is an anti depressant isn't it? in high doses anyway, what dose are u on?

2 x 10mg at night, although I too 3 last night. And 3 again later tonight.
They were prescribed to help me sleep really, but the doc said they may lift me a bit? But I'm still not sleeping and still feeling awful to be honest.

I think I will have to go back to the doctors for anti depressants?????
I refused them at the docs on Saturday.

Isn't it awful feeling like this! I've been anxious and panicky because of work for a year , but things have drastically worsened over the last 7 days.

02-08-11, 20:03
How did you get on with the Claire Weekes audio's as well?

I can't open the links on my pc????? I am going to try on my parents pc. Mine says safari is unable to open the link. Apple iPad .
I really want to listen ASAP . Is there another way?

02-08-11, 21:02
Use another browser. I just tried IE and it was ok.

They are in a zip file and MP3's

02-08-11, 21:12
Hi Yorkman, if you are not sure about taking antidepressants you could try starflower which is a herbal tablet which help with hormone balance i find them fantastic and you don't have to wait long for results either. they can be bought from any supermarket. an other is st johns wart but check with your doc first about these ones if your taking an other meds. good luck..

02-08-11, 21:42
Hi, I've been on st johns wort for 6 months. It may have helped but I've got far worse this last week or so. What does starflower do? And is it fast acting.
I am seriously considering the doctors again for anti depressants now.

Thanks for the replies everyone. All help is appreciated!!

02-08-11, 21:54
Go see your doctor! Antidepressants may be the way forward! Unfortunately they are not a quick fix! Take about a month to kick in! But worth the wait believe me!!! Worth sticking with and once they do kick in you will improve rapidly!!!!

Mabel xxxx

03-08-11, 04:26
I was taking St John's Wort and had to stop it and have a small gap before starting anti-depressants as the two shouldn't normally be taken together. Does your doctor know you are taking St John's Wort?

03-08-11, 10:46
Hi yorkman,

I feel for you I have been feeling the same. I was given Citalopram last September and they took a couple of months to kick in. And because I felt lots better I stupidly stopped them. However I am back on them, been on them now for 6 weeks and the side affects are not good, well for me they aren't. But everyone is different. My gp gave me Diazepam to help ease the anxiety until the antidepressant take affect. Diazepam are addictive but my gp gave me a months supply and I don't take them constantly only if the anxiety and fear get really bad they do help.

Also I bought the book self help for your nerves by Claire Weeks. She is amazing and she helps you see that when you have worried about a problem long enough your nerves become sensitised and things become blown out of proportion. I am not saying it's easy to get out of this as our fears can be very frightening and it is hard to calm when one is in a panic but she does help you see what is happening to you.

I hope this helps, just think you are not a lone in this and hopefully we will get back to our happy selves. Good luck.

Cathy xx :yesyes:

03-08-11, 11:05
I was taking St John's Wort and had to stop it and have a small gap before starting anti-depressants as the two shouldn't normally be taken together. Does your doctor know you are taking St John's Wort?

No the doc doesn't know I take st johns wort

04-08-11, 11:52
Started citalopram yesterday,
I feel down today, still in bed, but I'm working tomorrow!
I hate my job and dread going, I'm convinced it's the root of my problem and why I'm so low. Vicious circle really! I hate my job and my confidence has all gone from me. I need a new job and have a chance of one but I lack confidence and wonder if I will be a success at a new job.

05-08-11, 01:19
If I felt as low as you Yorkman, I would give the new job a chance, what have you got to lose? You hate where you are and it is making you ill. Even if you turned out not to love the new job, would you be any worse off for trying? Your confidence isn't likely to improve much where you are because you are so fed up and stressed, but a new opportunity could just be the thing that you need to turn this around.

Tyke :)