View Full Version : Hey i'm new here...

02-08-11, 18:17
Well I don't know what to say really but my names Jamie, I'm 18 years old.

I don't know exactly what I suffer from but when faced with decisions especially involving money, I panic and become really down on myself and basically become lifeless. An examples of what has made me down in the past is when I was 17 I passed my driving test and bought myself a car, and my mum paid for my insurance which was £2000 (lucky, i know!) and all of a sudden I became really low and felt as if I didn't want to drive the car and was faced with the decision of cancelling the insurance or keeping it. Deep down I really wanted to drive but my mind wouldn't let me think of that and I ended up having the insurance cancelled.

I've always loved graphic designing on the computer and have always said that's what ill end up doing and now I have finished my two year college course studying ICT, I'm now going on to a University Foundation Degree in Design & Advertising at my college. After filling everything out and it being arranged for me to enroll at the college (which is in September) I've basically started to panic again and become very down and started to question myself, is doing this course really what I want to do and again even though deep down I know that's what I've always wanted now it's like my minds telling me no it isn't the right thing. When I get like this I become really down and lifeless as I explained. And as the date is becoming closer and closer, I'm becoming worse and feel like I have to come to a decision.

It's basically taking over to were I wont even by myself some new clothes in case I become down and not want them.

These may seem like stupid little problems and i know they are, but to me they seem a lot worse.

Well... That's my story :)

02-08-11, 18:20
Hi JamieM

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-08-11, 19:44
Hi JamieM

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Thanks :)

02-08-11, 20:44
No one got anything?

03-08-11, 16:33

03-08-11, 16:43
Hi there, I can't really offer much advice as I don't worry specifically about money, just everything in general lol

Have you tried the chat room? theres bound to be some help available there.

Good luck and :welcome:


03-08-11, 21:34
Hi there, I can't really offer much advice as I don't worry specifically about money, just everything in general lol

Have you tried the chat room? theres bound to be some help available there.

Good luck and :welcome:


I don't have access to the chat room yet as I only joined yesterday. Thanks anyway!