View Full Version : single red flash in eye

02-08-11, 21:11
Hiya everyone. I just wondered if anyone experiences a single red flash in there eye that lasts a few minutes. It's like a red colour at first that turns to green. Like someone has taken a photo with flash on but obviously haven't

02-08-11, 21:27
Its obviously something to do with your retina as that is what sees colour and having been born with severe short sight and now all the complications I know more about eyes that I would like!

I can say from experience of vitrious detachment and retinal bleeds that the symptoms of these serious things are constant and do not last a few mintues and then go away. When I had a couple of retinal bleeds I had a black hole in my vision that flashed red and green when I blinked BUT it was permanent and did not move around or go away it was there all the time even withmy eyes shut if I blinked I saw the green or red spot.

If you don't get it again then just chalk it up to a passing tug on your retina for some reason but if you get it again and it goes away again after a few mintues then I would personally go and see optician for a full check and if it comes back and stays for hours then ring your local hospital eye clinic as they will see you same day.

03-08-11, 07:28
Hiya I get it a few times. Always kind of had it but had new floaters recently. Had my eyes checked wi 3 opticians and been to doctors 3 times. But I can't stop worrying. Thanku for replying xx

03-08-11, 07:35
Hiya I get it a few times. Always kind of had it but had new floaters recently. Had my eyes checked wi 3 opticians and been to doctors 3 times. But I can't stop worrying. Thanku for replying xx

03-08-11, 08:53
I get this lots of times but just for a second or two. I also get a feeling like my eyes are dazzled.
I put it down to anxiety

03-08-11, 09:23
Hiya mirabelle wat do you mean by dazzled? xx

03-08-11, 22:10
Like when you look at a bright light and then see bright colours for a while afterwards.

04-08-11, 15:05
Thanks mirabelle yeah that's wat I mean. Like after affects of looking into a light when you haven't. Anxiety is a strong thing when it can do so many things to ya xx

05-08-11, 19:42
Indeed Diddler
Just think what we could do with our mindif we weren't using it to make ourselves ill.

05-08-11, 20:02
We wud be working at NASA me thinks with amount of brain power we use on worry xx

06-08-11, 08:46
hey, i get the same thing, i get floaters, flashing lights, and spots in my vision, which i am assured is anxiety related by my doctor and optician, and a lot of the lovely people on here x

06-08-11, 09:11
Hiya anxiety overload. Appropriate name for on here ;) sorry to ask but how many floaters have you got and what kind of flashes do you get xx

06-08-11, 09:14
i get floaters like. wiggly worms that are kind of a clear colour if that makes sense??
ocassionally a black dot falls down my eye, i see white flashes, sometimes that just come when im watching tv and i just see them on the screen, sometimes its like it takes up my whole vision for half a second, and sometimes i will think i saw a black dot on a wall when really there is nothing there.
and if i look at something bright white i see thousands of tiny tiny moving dots xxx

06-08-11, 10:33
Yeah I get all then. The floaters though are quite bad at at min mostly black ones. Horrible how fear takes over. But thanku for telling me you get same kind of stuff and it's probably anxiety xx