View Full Version : Just received the Housing app pack (update)

05-05-06, 12:12
I have just received the Housing application pack and info to live in a self contained flat thru Women's Aid and a local Housing Association, for Domestic Violence sufferers - females.

I'll wait until atleast 17/5 to take it to Women's Aid cos i'm going to MIND on 17 May.

Gives me more chance to buy more items.

Hopefully I'll be satisfied with the location and accommodation. So frusttration that I don't know.

My parents know that I wanna move into this flat but my mum can't understand y i can't say where it is. I can't cos I dunno myself and i guess its kept a secret so the females feel safe away from abusers.

05-05-06, 17:15
do your parents know that your getting the house through womens aid?? Glad your application has come- hope the ball gets rolling soon for you!!!

05-05-06, 17:47
I wish you all the luck in the world, ju.

I really hope things work out for you...It will be nice for you to have your own place and live in peace for once.

Good Luck,
