View Full Version : Prescribed Bisoprolol for AF feeling exceptionally tired

02-08-11, 21:24
Hi there I had atrial fibrilation after someone tried to break into my house I went up to a and e and they did ecg which showed I had AF I went home and in the morning I went to gp and by then my AF had gone back to normal rythm 13 hours it took to happen naturally. I have been put on Bisoprolol betablocker and I feel exceptionally tired and a bit breathless. Anyone else on this?

02-08-11, 21:30
Have you ever had asthma as beta blockers can cause asthma in someone who has or has had so any breathlessness needs to be checked out by your Dr, Betablockers make a huge number of people very tired as they reduce the pumping action of your heart quite considerably and slow it down as well so naturally this slows you down!

Personally I would go back to my GP especially as you are also breathless as not everyone can take betablockers.

02-08-11, 21:33
I am on it and yes it makes you very tired indeed.

What time of day do you take it?

02-08-11, 21:41
Hi I take it at night as it did not say on the packet when to take it. As most of my anxiety happens really bad at night I thought that this might be the best time.

02-08-11, 21:50
Ok I take it in the morning as they told me it could disturb my sleep but I still don't sleep well anyway!

I also have asthma but seem to be ok on this beta-blocker.