View Full Version : Pain after Colonoscopy

02-08-11, 22:00
Hi all sorry about making a new thread but it seem's this side of the board's get used more...

The blood seem's to have more enough stopped since i had a passing it was just one spot.

Is it normal to have pain in my right side after having the scope done... It's not the worst pain but enough to feel it?

02-08-11, 22:08
Trev - people tend to read active topics and not just forums so they see them all.

I can't remember if I had pain or not as I was in so much pain anyway with the Crohn's lol.

You will be sore I would think as the colon has been invaded with a foreign object and pumped full of air.

02-08-11, 22:16
Trev - people tend to read active topics and not just forums so they see them all.

I can't remember if I had pain or not as I was in so much pain anyway with the Crohn's lol.

You will be sore I would think as the colon has been invaded with a foreign object and pumped full of air.

Thank you for your reply i'll just hope that it settle's down in a couple of day's as you can tell i am anxious, but if anything terrible was to happen it's been 24hr's now i am sure it would have happened?

And also sorry for flooding the forum's :flowers:.

02-08-11, 22:22
Trev - it is fine. I wasn't telling you off - just reassuring you about people reading posts all over the place. :yesyes:

Have you tried some pain killers?

02-08-11, 22:27
Not yet i am allergic to aspirin so i can't take that or any anti-inflam's.

I guess i could take some codiene just trying to stay of that stuff since i read it can be adictive.

02-08-11, 22:39
Can you have paracetamol?

Do you have a hot water bottle as well?

02-08-11, 22:44
It wont hurt to take codeine for a day or two .Its only addictive when you take it every day for a few weeks ..The hot water bottle will help too .Hope you feel better tomorrow Trev..t/c Sue x

02-08-11, 23:04
Thank's for the reply's if it continue's tomorrow i'll take some codiene i'll pop some paracetmol for now and see if it help's and yeah i have a hot water bottle.

I know i sound like a stuck record but if anything bad had happened in the scope it would have falred up by now since it's been over 24 hr's?

02-08-11, 23:06
If the pain is really bad then I would advise seeking help. If it is just mild discomfort I think you will be ok

02-08-11, 23:24
If the pain is really bad then I would advise seeking help. If it is just mild discomfort I think you will be ok

Yeah it's mild discomfort it's not where i am creased over holding my stomach just like a twinge when i move about now and again, i doubt it's trapped wind now.

02-08-11, 23:39
It could be that the camera and the tube has slightly bruised the colon wall if that is possible.

If you are no better tomorrow maybe call the doc and ask for advice.

02-08-11, 23:50
I had severe pain on my upper right side when I woke up. I couldn't leave until I felt better. The dr. gave me simethicone pills for gas. I stumbled home and the pain went away the next day. They put air in you, I'm pretty sure so it's a lot of gas. Maybe try simethicone. Hope you feel better soon. Sometimes a hot drink helps break up the gas, push it out.

03-08-11, 00:14
I had severe pain on my upper right side when I woke up. I couldn't leave until I felt better. The dr. gave me simethicone pills for gas. I stumbled home and the pain went away the next day. They put air in you, I'm pretty sure so it's a lot of gas. Maybe try simethicone. Hope you feel better soon. Sometimes a hot drink helps break up the gas, push it out.

Could gas/air still be in me a day after if i had not shifted it all?

03-08-11, 00:19
Yes possibly and it will be sore where the tube has been up there

03-08-11, 00:44
Yes possibly and it will be sore where the tube has been up there

Yeah that's what i am thinking as if it was something bad surely i would be creased up and unable to move maybe's i strained a stomach muscle when the tube was in since i wasn't really sedated.

Trying not to worry but ya know how we all work here :weep:

03-08-11, 14:53
Well i spoke to my docotr over the phone and he explained that the mild discomfort could last for a few day's... So i'll try not to worry much and hopefully it will fade.

It' only really hurt's when i am up[ and moving and it does not hurt when i press down on the area where i am getting the pain.

04-08-11, 21:29
Well i got that worried i ended up at Out of hour's doctor's who sent me to Surgical Unit (or whatever and was booked in a bed)...

2am not good lol.... Anywho docotr there checked me out and said i would have a chest xray (which didn't happen till 3:30 in the afternoon) and the good new's come back at 6:30 that they was no trapped air in my chest meaning no problem with my bowel's.

Sometime's i wish i wasn't so anxious but it's what i am like atleast i know the pain is either trapped gas or strained when i was getting it done due to not being sedated enough.

04-08-11, 22:13
Most likely to be trapped gas - I had quite bad sharp pains around my tummy button for quite a few hours after my colonsocopy then about 6 hrs later I farted for England! and the pain went.

The chest x ray completely rules out any perforated bowel, I was in hospital once and a young girl was on the ward who had crohns disease and she had had a colonoscopy at a different hospital and they had perforated her bowel unknowlingly and she had to have a emergency repair job done at the hospital we were in and she said that within hours of the colonoscopy she said if she pressed the top of her shoulders they crackled and this was the gas from the scope under her skin!

04-08-11, 22:19
Yeah i guess i was wanting to be cautious and pleased they gave me a chest xray to rule it out...

Was a long night/day at hospital i was nil by mouth so the gave me a IV Water drip and Liquid Paracetemol since i am allergic to aspirin...

Come back home and had something nice to eat feel better that i know my bowel is fine.

05-08-11, 16:44
Didn't think it warranted a new thread so i'll just post it here.

How long does the picolax/laxitives last as my stool are still pretty runny?