View Full Version : hi!!

03-08-11, 00:14
hi there,
i'm very very new to this. in fact still trying to convince myself to go and see a doctor and that i'm not just imagining i have a problem.
i am a 21 year old female who is petrified of dying , or thats how this all seems to have started. i now constantly seem to be worrying about anything and everything. i can't decide if there is something at the core of it or if i have a disorder. i don't really have anyone to talk to about it, although my lovely boyfriend always lends an ear he just doesn't understand really.
i have spent the sleepless nights in the last couple of weeks researching anxiety disorders and on all the lists of symptoms i have had a majority of them!
i really want to seek some help, don't particularly however want to go to the doctor and be given medication as i have never been keen on taking medicine anyway.
I'm stuck in a rut and this time i just can't seem to get myself out.
work used to at least distract me from the problem for a few hours but now it just seems to be adding fuel to the fire.
Any advice or even just chat would be much appreciated .

03-08-11, 00:16
Hi smurf1989

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-08-11, 00:26

Hi smurf and welcome to NMP I hope you find yr stay usefull and informative And I hope you make a few friends in the process

03-08-11, 00:57
Hi Smurf,

Welcome! :)

03-08-11, 04:11
Hi Smurf :welcome:

Gey yourself down to the docs and have a chat about this. It doesn't automatically mean that you need medicating, you might want to look at CBT, counselling and/or relaxation techniques - it depends what is available in your area and how long the waiting lists are etc. Remember they are YOUR choices, you don't have to do anything your doctor suggests if you really don't want to.

If you don't really get on with your doc, try and see another one in the practice. Doctors these days are generally much better at dealing with these kinds of illnesses.

Good luck.

Tyke :)

03-08-11, 14:39
Hi Smurf,

Welcome to the site.

Going to the doctors was one of the best things I did with regards to my recovery.
Like Tyke said you don't have to take anything you don't want to but you def need a medical opinion.

Emily xxx

03-08-11, 17:27
Thanx guys. It's really good to get the opinion of others. I will defo ge myself to the doc as soon as I can . Vicious cycle worried about going to doctor but don't go and keep worrying about everything else!! Typical :-)

03-08-11, 19:20
Always the way! It will be fine and you will feel so much better once you've been promise! X

04-08-11, 11:45
Yes go see the doc ASAP and let us know. I'm glad I went.