View Full Version : Help. My eyes are bloodshot and yellow =/

03-08-11, 13:41
Hey guys, I'm getting a bit paranoid about the colour of my eyes right now.

For the past week or so I've noticed them looking rather red and bloodshot - you know when you have those little red "veins" all over the whites of your eyes?

Not just that but the corners of my eye (underneath the eyelids and the inner corner near the tear duct) are an almost yellowish tinge.

I dunno if this is related to the hot weather we've been having recently, or maybe it's something else. Actually saying that I have found that I can't work at a computer for too long these days: my eyes start to really ache and it gives me a headache too. So maybe that's what it is?

Anyway, it's been bothering me so I just thought I'd ask. My eyes are usually very clear and white all over, so of course any change in the norm is going to make me paranoid =/

So: my eyes look sore and yellow. What's up with that? Thanks guys :D

03-08-11, 16:06
Mine used to do that. I have dry eye due to Prozac though, plus I had to have glasses to wear while I was using the computer because my eyes were so sore & bloodshot.
Have you been for an eye test lately?

Emily x

03-08-11, 17:09
this could be to do with hayfever? x

03-08-11, 20:47
I think allergyphobia may be right. Mine have been a bit like that since this hot,humid weather. Also, on and off I sometimes get a feeling in one eye like something on my vision ( hard to explain), when I blink my eye though it clears for a while. I imagine it might be to do with the liquid which covers the eye ..I do get hayfever.