View Full Version : My little story

03-08-11, 14:07
So I am moving on after years of battling anxiety, agoraphobia, O.C.D. and PTSD

Before reading, you must note I suffer still every day with all these problems but dont stop and dont let it take control of me


Here is a clip that I placed on my site:

This is a good question and really starts back 2005, back then I had a car crash, it wasn’t a bad one but it did affect me in a really bad way, basically while I was stuck it traffic with a articulated lorry behind me, the driver of that lorry decided to just drive into my car and push us down the road, this pinned the car to the front of the lorry and crushed all the back and the side of the car I had to clime out of the window, anyway apart from some back and neck pain we were OK, well that’s what I though! for around 2 weeks, I kept going out driving the higher car and things, but around 2 weeks after the crash, I suddenly became very ill, when I say ill at the time I felt like I was in hell and dying etc. but now I know it wasn’t anything like that, I was starting to have panic attacks and it turned out I had developed Agoraphobia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agoraphobia) and was suffering with PTSD (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001923/), this was the start of my long journey to getting out and about again, to cut a long long story short after going on lots of medication and going from not getting out of bed to then just not leaving the house for around 4 years and getting out to short places in the 5th year, I started the gym in the 6th year after working out for a while at home and running out of space, but the reason I workout is to help with anxiety and my problems, I feel now this is my drug to keep me going in life and better than all the medication I was on, even though I am now only taking one lot of medication a day.

hope this link is OK just to my site I written the story:

questions are welcome :yesyes:

03-08-11, 14:43
Hi Madkad,

That's amazing progress. You should be really pround of yourself.
Thanks for posting because it goes to show that this can be beaten!!

Emily xxx

06-08-11, 17:26
Hi Madkad,

That's amazing progress. You should be really pround of yourself.
Thanks for posting because it goes to show that this can be beaten!!

Emily xxx

Thanks, I really am :)

and it sure can