View Full Version : Tremor/trembling in legs and health anxiety

03-08-11, 15:45
Hi all,

I'm new to posting on the website. Over the last month or so I've noticed a tremor in my left leg, I notice it on the clutch and when I'm standing still.

It gets worse when I'm anxious and then it affects both my legs (quite a lot recently) and I can't stop worrying about it.

I have had health anxiety and general anxiety since my teens (I'm 31 now) and finally had CBT for it four years ago. It's upsetting because I thought I had cracked it back then!

My question is this. I know what it is like to live in a constant state of anxiety exmaining my body and symptoms (and everyone else's for that matter :-() But how do you get to that stage where you can tell the difference between a 'real' symptom of something serious and anxiety? Do you ever?

If anyone else has any ideas please share them? Does anyone have anything that works for them? I long for the day when I can stop over-analysing and thinking that everything has to be an incurable condition...

Little x :unsure:

08-08-11, 19:26
I found clenching and tightening my muscles really helped with similar, it can be related to the adrenaline we produce when we're anxious. I joined a telephone help group with No Panic and the group leader talked us through this. Oddly, before I had anxiety and used to do Amateur dramatics I used to do this in the wings to combat stage fright!

Good luck, please don't focus on it too much. Oh and jump around to some high powered music..also worked for me :-P
