View Full Version : This weeks new fear....lung cancer

03-08-11, 17:35
So last week I started with a sore throat, since then I had become so hoarse I couldn't speak, now I've just got that sexy husky voice going on, and annoying hacking cough that embaresses you on public transport and keeps you awake at night. Now when I first started feeling ill last week I was quite proud of myself and just thought chest infection or bronchitis and I was fine. But today I just started to think back over the past few weeks and the few times I have felt breathlesss but just put that down to my anxiety. And chest infections are more common in the winter months right? It hurts when I cough, its one of those tickly coughs that get you hacking away. Anyway I am 39 and quit smoking 4 years ago after 20 years of smoking. So with what my chest feels like now and remembering my breathlessness from before, I am putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 6 again. Why have I got this in the summer and I am now scared my cough isn't going to go awayn which is a symptom of lung cancer! I was fine about this before but now am freakiing out :-(

03-08-11, 18:43
hello :hugs:

you do not have lung cancer friend .........honest believe me x

you have had a virus on your throat and chest and it has irritated the lining in your throat .....which can make you have that very irritating awful sounding bark . just inflammed tubes I bet 100 %.

lots of steam inhalations and hot drinks ......some gentle cough linctus to help .....or honey ,

it will go but takes time . no worry ok ? hugs :hugs: