View Full Version : What to do???

05-05-06, 13:10
Hi everyone,

I think I'm possibly suffering from anxiety.

I have anxiety attacks when I'm in a certain club, no idea why or what brings them on. Sometimes I'm drinking and sometimes not, sometimes I have them and sometimes not. I went through a phase of thinking it was down to low blood sugar but after having one last week for the first time in 9 months, I realised that I never have attacks anywhere else, and its weird!

Anyway, I recently was diagnosed with IBS and GP & consultant both said I should de-stress. Me? De-stress? What are they on about, I'm so laid back I'm practically horizontal!
Or so I thought, I've now realised that laying in bed at night, not being able to sleep for hours because I'm worrying about my boyfriend dying, or my mum getting run over or me getting fired or cancer, is not exactly normal. Nor is the fact that I never seem to sleep properly, I remember all my dreams and never seem to get a deep sleep, I'm always tired, I'm more irritable than I was when I was a teenager!

I also realised that my constant skin picking and cheek biting is probably a sign of tension or stress or something. Constantly picking at scars on my body and opening spots on my face isnt a great idea!

Is it possible to have anxiety like this and not even be aware of it?

I don't know whether to go to my GP and talk to him. I hate going to the Dr's. I always feel like I want to cry for no reason (they scare me a bit!)

05-05-06, 13:55
sounds like this site could really help you

i hope you have a good look around as you will get great insight into the whole world of panic and anxiety and how to deal with it and importantly feel less alone with your fears


05-05-06, 23:33
I realised that I never have attacks anywhere else, and its weird!

If it becomes a burden, avoid that club. Trust your instincts.

Anyway, I recently was diagnosed with IBS and GP & consultant both said I should de-stress.

Argh, had that since I was 17 (now 26), don't let it dominate your life though, I made that mistake. Good diet (high fibre) really does help, you gotta keep the system flowing, nothing worse than constipation if you've got a bad time of IBS.

There is a 'definate' link between psychology and IBS, definately, you'll find IBS gets worse in times of stress, because the body always follows the mind.

Me? De-stress? What are they on about, I'm so laid back I'm practically horizontal!

Hehehe, me too! BUT... don't make the mistake of thinking because you're a chilled person, a calm person, that you're not stressed. There is a major difference between conscious stress (ie, getting angry/spooked/shocked because some idiot driver cut you off) and subconscious stress (the stuff lurking in the corners of your mind, that cause 'irrational' phobias and anxiety).

not being able to sleep for hours because I'm worrying about my boyfriend dying, or my mum getting run over or me getting fired or cancer, is not exactly normal.

Take comfort in those fears are more normal than you think, there is nothing wrong with those fears. Its natural to worry about your partner, its natural to worry about your parents (or children) and cancer is something I think everyone is fearful of. The only problem you have here is you're letting the fears affect your normal functionality. Thats not your fault, its all in how you see things.

Life is scary. Many people who have close calls with death, discover life is not worth wasting by worrying about all the small bumps in the road. I have seen all kinds of horrors with these eyes, some so bad I'm surprised I'm not more messed up than I am, but I am stronger for it. Life is about priorities and understanding.

I honestly know you can't help it, but discuss your fears with the people you worry about and chances are they will insist on not worrying about it. No one, anywhere, knows that tomorrow will bring, that is why you have to live for the day. Embrace your ability to affect the things you can change but have courage in embracing the things you cannot.

Nor is the fact that I never seem to sleep properly, I remember all my dreams and never seem to get a deep sleep, I'm always tired, I'm more irritable than I was when I was a teenager!

People change, its hard growing up and facing new challanges. I too remember most of my dreams, but consider what your dreams are trying to tell you. Dreams are conjurations of your subconscious and very often have deeper meanings. The best person to speak to would be a psychiatrist who may be able to help you unravel what they may represent.

Is it possible to have anxiety like this and not even be aware of it?

Absolutely, anxiety is a very general term for a wide range of nervous feelings and symptoms. Everyone experiences anxiety, its a natural thing. It only becomes a problem when it adversely affects your normal everyday life.

I don't know whether to go to my GP and talk to him. I hate going to the Dr's. I always feel like I want to cry for no reason (they scare me a bit!)

That is the best thing you can do, trust your doctor to hear you and if he doesn't want to listen, change doctor. :) They're there to help you, not judge you.

He'll be able to get a good idea of whats going on and can help refer you to see the right people if its necessary. Don't let that worry you, lots of people are nervous about seeing doctors, but they're there to help you and you'll probably find yourself leaving their office feeling so much more reassured.

You're human and thats no crime, anxiety is not a taboo, and its not a sign of weakness. Don't feel bad about feeling bad. :) Thats why we're all here, so know that you're not alone :)