View Full Version : Panic Attacks and Diazapam

05-05-06, 13:51
Hi all

I started having panic/anxiety attacks a few months back. I had a severe attack yesterday when driving on my own, it was so bad that i could not drive the car, the police turned up and called an ambulance, the hospital checked me over and i was o.k to drive back home.

I called my doctor this morning who prescribed me some 2mg Diazapam tablets.

Can anyone tell me if they will help and the best way to take them please.

I feel like im losing my mind just now, :(

05-05-06, 14:35
hi im sorry to hear you had a bad time, they do help but can be addictve so take care with them you should go back to your doctor to discuss your anxiety more have the diazapam if your feeling really rough but please seek professional help too

jools xx

05-05-06, 15:26
Hi Jools

I have taken half a 2mg tablet and i do feel better after an hour, i have read a lot of the posts and i think i may take them if feeling bad which you also suggested. I was also going to try self hypnosis to see if that works.

I feel better after finding this forum and knowing that im not alone.

05-05-06, 15:33
Although on here we tend to sway against Diazepam due to them being addictive. At the most intense time of my anxiety my GP had me on 2 x 2mg tabs, 3 times daily whilst taking Cipralex. I took them for 3 months at this dose and slowly reduced the dose myself. I had no problem AT all doing this. Even now if something really gives me a hit I will take maybe a 2mg in the evening and one the next morning just to set me right again. Then it might be 3 or so months that I won't have one.

Just my 2 penneth,


05-05-06, 15:50
Hi can’t stop welcome to the site. I was addicted to diazepam years ago when people didn’t realise that they where addictive. I used to take around 30 to 40mg daily and drink heavy with them. It wasn’t as hard as I thought to stop them that were well over 20 years ago. I stopped drinking about 3 years ago and with that and other problems my anxiety went sky high. I took diazepam for a couple of weeks (but only 2mg at a time this time, just to get me over the bad patch. I haven’t taken any now for well over 2 years but would take the odd 2mg if I feel really bad or get a bad panic. You will be fine on 2mg, but as they all say try hard not to take them unless you are in a big panic, Also a good Idea when you do feel really bad is try saying, I will take one in 10 mins if I still feel bad, sometimes if left for a while the panic will go itself. You said you took half of a 2mg? Well that’s really low dose and will do no harm. I think the only way you get really addicted is taking 3 or 4 times daily whether you need them or not. Take care. Vernon

05-05-06, 20:06
Hey folks

Thanks for the advice, if i do have a panic and need to take one how long is it before they kick in?

I am putting these attacks down to my smoking marijuana in the past, i used to smoke a little every day and i know myself that this did not help.

05-05-06, 21:35
they took about 30 mins to an hour to kick in with me, so its worth waiting a while before taking one. take care. Vernon

05-05-06, 21:51

I've recently been prescribed diazepam and really don't want to take them (haven't yet) but they seem to be working quite well anyway - I just tell myself I can and that seems to help quite a lot lol!!! Just knowing you have something to hand that will make you feel better can often be enough. But I am prepared to try them if I have another major panic and have them in my bag just in case!

I also think dope causes panic attacks - I used to smoke a bit (never a great deal) and also did some speed in my 20s/30s. It seems insane now looking back, I can't believe I was ever that blase and arrogant as to abuse myself like that... but there you go, that's youth for you! Paying for it now :(. These days I'm frightened to take any kind of tablet lol!! I enjoyed it at the time - I suppose if I'd gone paragliding I might have had some horrible injury lol;)

Good luck.

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

05-05-06, 22:58
Cheers Vernon, that clears that up. Thanks

I agree with you Fee, i am sure that smoking weed can bring on these attacks. I also did a few pills in the past and some speed etc, when i look back it was very foolish. I think i will only take the Diazepam if i feel like i cant control it.

I went to the shops tonight again and felt so much better, funny thing is that its only when waiting in the checkout or a queue that i feel anxious, panicky, wierd

06-05-06, 15:22
Fiona, You are so right better still if you can feel better having them without even taking. I used to be like that panic if I didnt have them even though I didnt take them LOL

06-05-06, 17:38
I was given Diazepam to help relax/calm me down in Jan - didn't touch one of them - just having them there gave me some reassurance. Recently I started to have panic attacks again i have taken 1mg, they cut in half quite well, it just takes the edge off when you are feeling unable to cope. i try not to take them though but it is a comfort to know they are there. I also use Bachs rescue remedy and that has helped me during times of high anxiety.