View Full Version : First time I have said this out loud!

03-08-11, 22:24
Ok so I have been having panic attacks for years, nearly 11 of the suckers and have tried many many things to help me get over them.
One of them being religion, now I was not a religious person at all but a few years ago I took it all very seriously and went to something called an alpha class at my local church we discussed god and such for the 12 weeks I was there and would you believe it at the end I felt better, I was lighter in spirit and everyone said I look happier for it even the father so I got baptised and I felt really good about it, I still do actually although I dont practice it.
But you see since then I have had this feeling where I am worried about planning and talking about the future, like I wont say see you tomorrow becasue I am scared if I do then something will happen and I wont, sorry I sound like :wacko::wacko:, also I dont like to plan for the future I dont really like writing in my appointment diary just in case, does anyone know what I mean.
I also find it hard if I ever do anything wrong I feel like god will punish me, although like I said I do believe in god, but I believe in a nice version so why does my brain think things like this, I feel like I can never move on, sorry I am finding it hard to write down what I feel I hope someone gets it!!I am not overly religious or anything like that but I do belive in god etc but I dont know why I think like this, am I really crazy? Dont get me wrong these thought arent at the forefront of my mind 24/7 but I do get them quite a bit and I just cant seem to move past them, does that make sense?

03-08-11, 22:30
your not crazy at all i totally understand what you mean when you talk about saying see you tomorrow and making an appointment etc, my brain thinks the same as yours does in that respect. I hate talking about the future and stuff aswell. So all in all your not alone and you most definately are not crazy :)

04-08-11, 01:04
I'm really into buddisim ,I like the thought of Karma,
BUT even though I don't believe it's real I'm afraid to do anything bad incase it comes back on me.
I do believe in the power of the mind though :)

04-08-11, 12:05
I will attempt to tell you my story in as short time as I can (as I tend to waffle on).

I'm now 57, and in my younger years I have what you might say, been a naughty boy!

I was the last person who I (or anybody) would expect to see in church. Never been religious and never will.

However, over the years, whatever little family I had, had either left me or died. I eventually got to the point where I realised that I was literally alone without anyone who cared for me or about me, not easy when you're an Anxiety sufferer!

This last March, I was putting some flowers on my Mothers grave one Sunday morning, obviously there was a church service and something suddenly compelled me to go in. I can only say that it was one of the best things I have ever done (and it was legal)!

Now, Religion is a funny, powerful and sometimes dangerous word, especially nowadays. I have no time for people who go to church on a Sunday and continue to be a complete a******e to everyone for the rest of the week! Neither do I take too kindly to preachers who threaten people with damnation if they don't go to church on a regular basis etc.

My opinions are that I am Spiritual rather than Religious. My beliefs are my beliefs and I will never try to change anyone else's beliefs or shove Religion down their throat. But I will say that, God does NOT punish us for something we have done wrong! If He can accept me with open arms, then I assure you, He will not punish you.

I'm sure than when I walked into His church back in March, He didn't think
'Oh no, not him.' I'm sure He was only too glad to see a sinner come in!

Don't forget that this world is also full of evil. Therefore, your doubts are more than likely there to try and fool you that God doesn't work in your favour rather than convince you He does.

Believe me. I have seen evil and I have starred Satan in the face more times than I care to smell his breath over the years. He will try endlessly to corrupt you with thoughts and doubts (Anxiety being one of them).

At the end of the day, there is no contest..........God wins!

You take care now.

God bless you.
