View Full Version : Finding it hard to sleep.

04-08-11, 01:51
Hi everyone. I'm having really problems sleeping at the mo this is the 3rd night and I can not sleep again. I'm and so tired but my mind keeps racing. When i lay there i get this rush of fear and then it goes from there. If i do get to sleep i wake up and hour later like i'm worrying about something shaking and sweating.Not sleeping has such an knock on effect as then I no that I'm going to have an bad day and feel on egde all the time I have work in the morning.
I don't no why this is happing but I had enought now. I sick of being on edge or the time and not knowing why. How long does this go on for? This is taking over my life. Is this just me or do others feel he same? Ant tips on how i can relax more?

04-08-11, 02:07
Hi Redredmac

I have had these problems before and found relaxation CDs or tapes help. They don't work straight away, but I found with practice I was able to fall asleep listening to them. They also put you in a more relaxed state prior to sleep, which I find helps reduce the likelihood of waking shortly afterwards and feeling panicky. The ones I like best play gentle music while going through the various parts of your body and relaxing them in turn. There's a few of them on youtube if you want to take a look. Get plenty of exercise during the day, never try and sleep other than night time and try not to get wound up when you can't sleep. You could ask your doc for medication, but with sleep I think it's best to try and sort it out yourself if you can.

Tyke :)

04-08-11, 02:20
:)Hi thanks for the reply I will have a look. I do want to go down the rote of taking anything to help me sleep. As i'm a single parent and really want to be knocked out if he needs me. I just can't seam to relax and then i get wound up then i panic. I just gets to me so much.