View Full Version : Panicking about being pregnant

04-08-11, 06:05
I was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder and switched from Prozac to lamictal and buspar. I have been feeling particularly emotional lately and am worried that this is a sign of pregnancy.

Reasons I'm not pregnant:
1. I use Seasonique and often times forget it and mess up my period schedule. I was taking the sugar pills and no period came but I already restarted on the regular pills so that might have stopped it.
2. I have only had sex once since a blood test that confirmed that I am not pregnant and we used contraception.
3. I had a urine a week or so following that last time I had sex before a CT scan and the results were negative for pregnancy.
4. I took a home pregnancy test 2 days ago and the results were negative.

Reasons I could be pregnant:
1. My period is a week late.
2. I have noticed more visible veins on my breasts.
3. I have been very emotional.
4. I took the home pregnancy test in the afternoon when it is less accurate.

It's 4 to 4. It's keeping me awake at night. What do you guys think I should do?


04-08-11, 11:05

The first 4 tell me you are NOT pregnant. The other 4 are co-incidental in my opinion.