View Full Version : people at work commenting on eating habits

04-08-11, 16:07
this probably sounds really pathetic, but it's actually really getting me down. :mad:

i am allergic to fresh fruit, so i mainly snack on things like malt loaf and little breadsticks and dip at work, along with the odd chocolate bar!

i work in a small team and everybody in it always comments when i am eating. they make out i am so unhealthy, always eating or 'grazing'...

i am not overweight or anything so i don't know if they think it makes it OK to keep mentioning me eating "all the time".

i eat my breakfast in the morning, have a snack mid-morning, lunch and then a snack mid-afternoon. i don't think this is particularly unusual?

i'm already pretty conscious because of my allergies, and this just makes me feel like even more of a freak... it also makes me think do people think i am putting on weight? am i getting fat etc? they don't make any comments about anybody else eating, why me?

it probably sounds silly, but it's making me feel more conscious about eating, and what people are thinking when I am doing so. I already dislike me job and now this is making me feel even more uncomfortable at work.


04-08-11, 16:13
Sorry to hear that you have to deal with unnecessary drama at work..it's none of their business to tell you so. Perhaps sending an all email out to them would be the professional way to deal with it, maybe? Just state that you feel uncomfortable about it..and see where it goes? Or maybe talk to Human Resources and confide to them? I'm in the states and not sure if you guys call it Human Resources/the person(s) dealing with complaints..etc.

Don't let them get to you! They are just nosey people...we all have one at work. If things don't turn around for you..start looking for another job? Either way best of luck..hope it all works out for the better.

04-08-11, 16:34

dont you just hate the work place mafia ? slaves of the nanny state Allergy who have no clue at all about individual needs .....Arrgh so help me :mad:

actually grazing with food as opposed to having larger meals is meant to be healthier for blood sugar levels and energy .....cant find the article and research I did for my son now of course [typical post meno fog head ] ......but it does exist somewhere in the ether .

you my gal are doing so well :yesyes:...............you eat when and what you like for the moment .........following your progress with delight xx

stuff the comments ...say something like my my nutritionist cousin who has Phd in blaah blah food science says ......then blind them with gooblygook .

dont feel bad at all love .............put yourself in protective imagined bubble if they start ..........and keep on doing what you have been doing so bravely all this year .xxx:hugs:

04-08-11, 21:29
Is there somewhere private you can go to eat? I'm lucky that I have my own office! I suspect if I was eating with everyone else I would get some comments because I eat the same thing every day. Cheese and ham sandwiches!

Good luck.

04-08-11, 21:37
I am allergic to many thinkgs and have been since childhood, when it was not very common at all. Anyway, I don't work in an office (anymore for a long time) but when I used to i would get comments.... You only eat one thing (yes thats' true. It changes every few years lol!!) but when you're allergic to many things that is the only way to deal with it outside of the house - you can't just go out and get sandwiches..... anyway, or it would be 'we never see you eat', as I would eat when no-one was around. All stems from 'having different food' as a kid i think!

Anyway, now most people are jealous coz I'm healthy-looking, and that is because I eat only things that agree with me.

Don;t let them get you down. Eat what you want and when you want!

Love Hyper xxx

Hazel B
04-08-11, 21:43
OMG! What a bunch of nosey gits! They must be short of interest in their own lives is all I can say! I work across 4 sites in SE England and have no clue what my colleagues eat, we're all heads down at the desk and busy!

You've come so far, try not to let this get to you. I'm sure they don't mean to upset you.

05-08-11, 00:38
I agree with Hazels comments above. What sad and pathetic lives they must lead. You should feel sorry for them. Would it help if you told them you eat this way because you have dietry restrictions due to allergy? I'm just wondering if they'd leave off a bit if they understood your reasons a bit more. Allergies are very common physical reactions and are nothing to be ashamed of.

Tyke :)

05-08-11, 02:58
I was once told by a person rice isn't food!! I felt saying like so chips and burgers are?
Is it women who comment? Women to tend to get jelous and project their own issues on to other women.

Not to insult any one's size, but it's only ever women, and women who are bigger than me who think it's ok make nasty comments .
Some people think it's not hurtful to make comments to a slim person , they some times fake concern as a way of insulting you.

You could try telling about new, different foods? Talk about your allergies and stuff if you think it could help. Maybe they are a bit curious as to what and why your eating?

I'm a grazer, I can't very much in one go so I eat lots of smaller meals, if some one has an issue with how I eat then that's their problem cause I'm happy the way I am ;)

Vanilla Sky
05-08-11, 10:09
Tell them to butt out :wacko:

Mind thier own buisness !!

06-08-11, 17:46
Ahh bless ya, tell them to **** off. Sorry to use that
Language but they sound like a room full of school children. So pathetic, no seriously just glare at them if they say it again and get up and walk out to have lunch if you can.
You should mention what Snowgoose said and educate them on small and often eating like the French do and say - I don't like engorging myself like a big fat fois gras, obviously you lot do!??

I know it's not as easy saying stuff etc but they really need to grow up and mind their own business, you need to do something really.

Takecare hun:ohmy:

06-08-11, 18:15
I have obsessive compulsive eating disorder so I eat all the time, even when i shouldnt or im so full i can barely move.
And its always crap and rubbish so people always comment on what im eating and when etc etc.
People are so judgemental and opinionated sometimes but at the end of the day , u do what u have to survive and be healthy! The only person who knows how u can deal with this upset it upsetting you is you but some of the ideas above were really good so hopefully u can try some and ul get somewhere.

i just wanted to let you know that youre not alone in this and if all else fails at least u know there are people with worse eating habtits than you :)

munkey x