View Full Version : Hello I'm new here........

04-08-11, 17:29
Hello, my name is Ivan Diryana and I'm from Indonesia, i hope that's ok. I'm 35 years old now. I'm a lecturer, married and I have a son, and he will be 2 years old next month.

about 5 years ago, I was diagnosed for anxiety disorder and depression. I read few books about it and it help at the first time but after a month or more the symptoms are coming back again. I think it got worse after my son born. I always afraid that I suddenly die because of heart attack or got sick and die because some kind of deadly disease like cancer.

Unfortunately in my country, most of the people here didn't care much about people like me who have this anxiety disorder. When I talk to my friends, most of them think that I'm crazy or sometimes they blame me and said that I need to get closer to God. Even my dad think that I need to be more closer to God. Well like most of Indonesian people, I believe in God and I pray a lot, but still the suffering are here in my head. Well that's all about me and my anxiety, maybe my English is not good enough but I really need help.

04-08-11, 17:32
Hi ivandiryana

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-08-11, 17:36
Your in the right place, everyone is sooooooooooo helpfull and understanding !!!

04-08-11, 17:58
welcome Ivan :)

you are in the right place for support here as Yorkman says ......and definately not alone ...nice to meet you :flowers:

05-08-11, 02:02
Hiya and wecome to NMP I hope you find the site as usefull as I have and make plenty of new friends along the way :D


05-08-11, 12:23
Hi Ivan,

Welcome to the site.

You are not crazy, you are just going through a bad time at the moment.
I worry about my health continuously as well but I am slowly getting better (thanks to some good medication, self help books & this site) so you have come to the right place!

Emily xxx