View Full Version : All types of anxiety and depression

04-08-11, 18:29
:D Hello to all you fellow anxiety and depression sufferers, i'd like to post this, and i want to let all of you know, that you are all not dying and everything you are suffering is "normal" for a anxiety sufferer.. So first off.. *oh my god, i cant breathe" "oh my god i cant swallow" all these things EVERYBODY gets, its just us anxiety sufferers exagerate things, some people will read this and say * i am not exagerating* and i respect that cause iv been there..
Something small will happen to me, and ill be like "oh my godness" "that isnt normal" "im going to die" many a time i have came onto this site and wrote about how i think im goingto stop breathing and fall over and that will be the end.. but look i am still here, my breathing sometimes get so strange that i start to imagine i cannot breathe, but actually i can..
For most people out there the thought "will i be like this forever" goes through the mind.. the answer to that question is NO!! You need medication and determination, with those two things u can over come this, i know because i am in the process of overcoming it..
I am on a medication called yentreve.. a calming pill which also works as an anti depressant to help with your anxiety and depression, works a treat for panic attacks.
I just want to tell u all, that what u are experiancing i have experianced.. tightness of throat and chest, lump in the throat, feeling as though i cant breathe, dizzyness, dry mouth, i even got so anxious i would choke on fluids as the muscles in the throat was so tence.. i felt like someone was sucking the air out of me, i even got to anxious to kiss my fiancee as i was scared i would suffocate and die.. i get alot of phlem in my throat which sometimes gets stuck, even that feels like i cannot breathe properly, but i do breathe and i get through it, we all need to start trusting in our bodies more, our bodies are built for illness's and and brains are built to keep us breathing.. we cant just stop.. just think if it was normal for people to just stop breathing at any second and die, there wouldnt be people out driving on the roads, people wouldnt go to work, it just doesnt happen unless u have serious breathing issues.. are bodies are stronger than we think, hearts can beat for up to 90 something years.. we are actually quite strong human beings, and yes anxiety can make u feel something serious is wrong because everything is seeming worse than it actually is..
I do reccommend though that people should get check ups by the doctor for serious things like feeling like they cant breathe, or even occasionally not being able to could mean serious problems, as for me, i know it isnt, i had a scare the other day i was watching telle then all of a sudden i was litrally not even able to gasp because air wouldnt even go down for about 5 seconds, doctors checked my chest and oxygen lvl and said i was fine.. so there for ... panic attack!!
I send my love out to all of u suffering with this, i know how hard it is, and i know whats it like to settle for bed crying ur heart out because u feel like ur breathing isnt right or u feel u wont wake up to see your family.. i know its easier said than done but u need to get up and say u know what u int going to hurt me today, today is a good day.. and get some meds into you, i respect all u people who have overcome something like this without medication, really, wow, i couldnt, im on meds now, and on the road to recovery.. u all can too... i promise you all that anxiety can make u feel so bad u start to imagine things, ive been there.. COME ON GUYS ALL OF YOU GET UP AND START BATTLING THIS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE, CHILDEN OR CHILDREN TO HAVE, FAMILY WHO LOVE YOU, FAMILY WHO YOU LOVE, A MARRIAGE TO THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.. A GOOD JOB, A GORGEOUS HOME, U MAKE IT, I HAVE FAITH IN YOU ALL. AND I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.. YOU WILL BE OKAY :hugs::yesyes::flowers::yahoo::bighug1: If anyone wants to chat or anything just private message me, i wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart xxxxxx

04-08-11, 19:17
Hi how do u private message?I could really do with some support x

04-08-11, 23:01
Hi there tinkerbelle, if you just click on my name then click send a private message to me :):) hope to hear from you soon xx

05-08-11, 08:17
The thing is with me i cant make myself imagine things. I can see lomethin and thing thats not there is just imaginatio. Then i can say right look and i cant think of somethin and it can show up. Eyes are triced so easily. One time i had a feelin of a pushin on my head. In the centre of my forehead like someone had their finger on my head and was just pushin!! That i thought was very werd!!

However, the one thing i worry about is my vision. Ive posted about it and scanned on the sight too and a few people have put on here the same happenings as me. But i just cant get it into my head its anxiety/depression/stress!! Im terribly worried, exhausted woorried that it isnt any of this and its just a terrible illnees that hasnt been detected. Ive had ecg's, blood tests, blood tests and heart scan. Also along with pulse, blood pressure. Everythin normal. I want a eye test but i just cant seem to tell the doctor. Im worried somethin is wrong with my brain!!

From the second i wake up to the second i fall asleep im thinkin anb my symptoms. Illnesses. Just generally rubbish. Etc etc. I dont relax because i cant. If i relax i think about it more. I get butterflies and the tight lumpy feelin but thats not all the time. But i experience alot of symptoms all the time. Headrushes, spinnin while tryin to sleep. Weird vision - CONSTANT!! Pulsin sensation in my head, headache, sick, shaky, palps, cant breath, i get tinglin every now and then.

Im going to be reviewed by a physcologist to see what treatment therapy would work best for me but appointment isnt until a few week. Ive been told by 3 different doctors. Stress, anxiety and depression. I dont know iff my hurendous child birth experience has brough all this on or just the dact ive got respoinibuilities to think and care for. Ive always been a worryin person and now if my babies nan takes her out and their not back on the dot then i think the worst. Im walkin around up and down. Ringin and ringin. No answer!! Heart starts. Etc. And they were 10 minutes!! Ive always seen the worse. Glass hallf empty person!!