View Full Version : Whats happening

05-05-06, 16:44
hello all,

long time no post :(


i think i have a brain tumor, i think im getting parkinsons/cjd and i think i have a heart condition.

First off my head

i get head aches daily. (us PC all day) tried combinations of no glasses and with glasses but same (glasses are 6month old) my eyes twitch out of focus on there own and i loose sight for a split second and get that panic feeling very briefly but its extreamy disconcerting. I use quite a high resolution as im a graphics designer so the text is very small. (well smaller than a regular user 1920x1200 for those that know) i also get repeated stabbing pains on the side and top of my head say 5 times in a row then it stops, or a genereal unerving pain above my right ear like a tension headach. these only last for 5 mins max but its un nerving none the less. some days im fine but when i get it go dizzy and take deep breaths to counter the attac. after which i take a break and move away from the PC . after that they subside for a while.

somethime when doing DIY or something active i feel dizzy or weak.. then get the thoughts of im going to faint, then my legs go week and i feel physicly sick.. and from being happy and 'full of life' i go to wanting to shut my eyes and go to sleep till its gone.

Also (more noticable while sat @ my desk) my right leg, fingers and arms also my head randomly twitch, well move once involuntary (like what you're eye does when its tired but just once)... not all at the same time but those are the parts that 'twitch' making me think im developing Parkinsons (which my grandad had) or CJD etc.

also 6 days out of 7 my ribs noticably hurt/are sore right across my chest wall as if they are buised. my doc has suggested changing my seating position but no help. it also happens on a weekend when im not in the same position all the time as im quite active.. my friend says its just old age (im 26) and laughs. wish i was like that..

logicly it can be explained etc but you know anxiety.. it dont work like that..

has anyone any suggestions / reassurance would be most helpfull and greatly recieved.

05-05-06, 17:14
Hi Alex,

Dizziness, twitching, visual disturbances, headaches and aches and pains, particularly in the chest area; they are text book anxiety symptoms. I should know: I get them all daily!!!

Don't worry mate, you're far too young for all the illnesses you describe. Easy for me to say; perhaps I should follow my own advice sometimes!!

Feel free to pm me if you still feel worried

Shiv x

05-05-06, 22:19
shivs right alex it is all classic signs and i have at least 99 percent of the ones you mention. the chest pain is hard to cope with. i have it bad at the minute and am freaking a bit

you are not alone


06-05-06, 08:13
Just to add my 5 cents worth to what's already been said - had all of those, still do occasionally and the brain tumour I convinced myself I had was two years ago!

Have just found this site while looking for missed heartbeats as that's my newest symptom - why do you never seem to get the same things that you are quite comfortable with but new and more sinister ones every time you have a bad few weeks?

Nice to talk to you all and hear everybody seems to get the same scary things.

06-05-06, 08:35

I have suffered with several of your anxiety concearns over the years.

I had headache (24/7) over three years, evan got my self into debt paying for all the tests.

I have also had the left rib hurting (3 weeks) but as soon as a new symtom arrived it disappered.

Regarding the twitches, this is my new problem, never ecperianced it before as my left leg twitches and I have tingle sensation
in my hands and feet.


09-05-06, 10:35
Hi Guys, Thanks for all the help/support and reassurance...

it seems that talking about it and realising there are others in the same position helps somehow.

I was attacked at the weekend on my way home from town. i spent most of the following day in hospital having tests and things. strange but i think this may have helped me some how. i had a number of x-rays to rule out head damage as they thought i had a fractured cheekbone. but im ok.. some how thats helped my brain tumor thing 'for the time being' anyway.

id say the twitching is the most worrying at the moment.

Also last week i visited the dentist for a filling... i was lying in the chair and had an injection (which i have had before) i nearly had a panic attac in the chair while really concentrating on the feeling of the injection... thinking it would flow to my heart and stop it.. i managed to calm myself. but i remember thinking how strange it was, i had the a filling before and remember not thinking twice about it.

10-05-06, 09:41
Thanks Lucy,

Im recovering good.. though i cant see much as i need new glasses. [:P]

And my eye is quite black and red[B)] (he had a fair few Soverign rings on). last time i walk for a taxi on my own..

I was very upset at the time, i rember walking for to the taxi rank and crying.. anyhoo all over now.

Thanks for the support.:D

10-05-06, 10:46
Wow Alex, you're more sorted than I think you give yourself credit.

I'm not sure that I would be able to cope with being attacked. That would set me back years, not to mention all the associated society based panic.

Take care of yourself. Hope everything heals up quick.


~~~ It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS. ~~~