View Full Version : Hi, newbie here wouldlike support from ppl who GET IT

04-08-11, 19:55
ive joined this forum to here from likeminded people who suffer similar feeling of anxiety to myself and find out how others overcome these.
Im 29, female, live in south yorkshire, work full time, trying to save for a house with my lovely boyfriend.
I suufer from IBS, have done for 15years or so, mainly tiggered by stress and worry. Was prescribed citalopram antidepressant which i took for 4 years to help me through a difficult time in my life and now no longer take as life ia more stable. Slightest worry though and am stuck on the loo and suffer from nausea quite frequently.
Also am very prone to UTI's and cystitis although am currently being refered to a urologist to test for interstitial cystitis and most urine tests come back clear.
Im a terrible traveller and get very nauseated and anxious when going away from home for a weekend or on holiday which at the minute im battling with as im going abroad in 2 days and to be frank im bricking it.
Just got some diazepam to help.
My main worry is being ill and feeling sick which when i worry about this leads me to feel like this from worrying about it, im sure your all aware of this viscious circle.
So thats me,

nice to meet you, all help appreciated

04-08-11, 19:56
Hi samfarrell

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-08-11, 22:32
Hiya samfarrell,

I can definitely empathise, I worry myself silly over being sickly. I keep thinking that all would be manageable if I didn't feel so damn nauseous!

I've found this site really helpful, definitely in letting a lot of the anxiety go. Hope you find the same too :)

04-08-11, 23:00
i know how it feels with the worry, my gastritis runs my life at the moment, and have you tryed when your not feeling good to change your diet to more basic food to cut down on the discomfort abit, i know it wont go away completely but it might help, and have you tryed doing relax therapy like yoga or something, i havent tryed that myself yet but alot of people says it helps with stress.

good luck :) and hope you feel better soon :)

Vanilla Sky
04-08-11, 23:02
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

05-08-11, 02:00
Hiya and wecome to NMP I hope you find the site as usefull as I have and make plenty of new friends along the way :D
