View Full Version : Please help- scared fear can cause what I fear

04-08-11, 20:08
I'm not sure where I got this from but I have a fear that if I think about something or am scares enough about something it will cause it to happen to me, like mind over matter. Understandably this triggers major panic attacks and a feeling of dread that I have done something awful to myself. Please help me to understand this isn't the case, I'm so terrified right now and feel unable to cope. I just want to be happy and healthy.

04-08-11, 20:17

This is something i fear ALL the time, i worry so much about my worrying causing things to happen to our bodies that could potentially be life threateing, but this is not the case. Although we can cause ourselves to be run down or ill i don't think it could be life threatening, (only in severe cases if you stopped eating or something like that). You have nothing to worry about.

I hope this helped you, and i wish you all the luck in getting better.
Best wishes xx

04-08-11, 20:20
Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone. Years ago I read of a man who got locked in a freezer and died of freezing, but the power was off. He had thought he would get frozen and by his mind he did. This wasn't a news story and was probably an urban legend but really haunts me that whenever I get scared of getting an illness, I am on danger. I can't even describe how scared I am now :(

04-08-11, 21:13
Thats okay :)

It's good to know im not alone either.
Well if that really happened, i think it would have been on the news for definate, you have nothing to worry about! I am always here for you to talk to if you need to chat. :)