View Full Version : Booked A Holiday, First Since Anxiety!

Hazel B
04-08-11, 20:57
Well, this time last year I was in the grip of anxiety. I had to cancel a cruise as I was not able to be away from home for more than an hour. I couldn't sleep right, lost weight, thought I had liver cancer (it was gallstones) and had to take time off work to recover.

I won't tell my get well story again but wanted to post that I have just booked a holiday in September, yipee! I'm so looking forward to it.

For those of you in the grip of anxiety, you can get well and be yourself again!


04-08-11, 21:00
hello :)

so so pleased for you ......enjoy hugely Hazel .......cos you so deserve to .:flowers:

04-08-11, 21:05
so happy for you Hazel, have a fantastic holiday x

eternally optimistic
04-08-11, 21:26
Well done Hazel, had a fab time.

Hazel B
04-08-11, 21:44
Thanks Ladies! It's a huge step after being so poorly.:)

04-08-11, 23:49
That is wonderful news Hazel. It is so great to have something to look forward to after a really rough patch isn't it?

I hope you have a fantastic time. :yesyes:


05-08-11, 13:56
Hi Hazel,

That's a massive step, well done!!!

Go on Hazel!!!! You can do it! xx

Hazel B
05-08-11, 15:57
Thank you both. I honestly did not imagine that I'd ever be "normal" again but you can come out of the black hole and carry on.

I'm wiser and kinder now too which is a good thing. I was a bit of a hard-faced old bag before!:D

05-08-11, 16:08
Well, this time last year I was in the grip of anxiety. I had to cancel a cruise as I was not able to be away from home for more than an hour. I couldn't sleep right, lost weight, thought I had liver cancer (it was gallstones) and had to take time off work to recover.

I won't tell my get well story again but wanted to post that I have just booked a holiday in September, yipee! I'm so looking forward to it.

For those of you in the grip of anxiety, you can get well and be yourself again!


Hazel, thanks for posting and giving us all hope. I'm in the grip of anxiety right now and off work. I can't really walk anywhere, preferring to take the car on very short journeys for an easy get away. Going into Tesco for shopping is a hit or miss. Some days I can do a quick one, some days I can't go near.

Can I ask what you attribute your recovery to? Did any medication help?

Hazel B
05-08-11, 19:22
Hi Mizfiesta. I've copied my tips on this for you from another post. You can ask me anything and PM me if you have private issues.:)

Here's what helped me and could help you:

See your GP for help and advice, if they are not sympathetic talk to the practice manager and ask to see someone else.
Ask for medical tests if you do think you have a medical issue.
Take the medication prescribed for you, ask your GP and pharmacist about side-effects ect but remember, the drug companies are legally bound to print every side effect reported to them, it does not mean it will happen to you. I had Propranolol to break the adrenaline cycle.
Get counselling if you need help to talk it out/learn how to challenge negative and obsessive thoughts.
Learn to deep breathe from your tummy to help panic and calm your pulse.
Cut out nicotine and caffeine - the hardest thing I did for myself but the best for my long term health. I miss caffeine more than fags now!
Walk outside every day and try to see green fields, trees etc. Exercise regularly even if it kills you to do it.
Eat a well balanced diet and stay hydrated with water. Oats are said to be calming so I had porridge every day.
Use your support network, the people who love you unconditionally and those you trust, they can be there to listen, hold your hand, tell you how well you're doing and be there if you get scared or vulnerable.
Take time out of work if you need to, some people find work helps them stay busy, but for me I needed to have time off to get myself together.
Ignore or challenge negative thoughts, they will not kill you and once you learn this you can diminish their power over you.
Keep doing things that make you fell safe and distracted e.g. housework, reading, music, crafts etc.
Never stop believing that you WILL get better, even in your darkest moment grit your teeth and tell yourself it will pass. Your brain gets used to this positive affirmation.
This all takes time but will start to help you get over anxiety. I thought I was indestructible until anxiety got hold of me, now I am stronger and wiser for it.

05-08-11, 20:06
Thanks so much Hazel - very kind of you. I'll be sure to get in touch if I've any queries. :flowers:

07-08-11, 04:53
Wow. I am so impressed. Going on holiday is one of my personal ambitions...! Congratulations and thanks for letting us know.

(Drat - another reason to stop smoking!)

Hazel B
07-08-11, 11:58
Thanks! The smoking thing took me 6 months to decide on, once I'd made up my mind I quit cold turkey. A beloved relative died of lung cancer and that really brings it home that there is NO SINGLE GOOD REASON to smoke!

Hope you get to that holiday Pseudonym!:hugs:

07-08-11, 12:26
Well done Hazel .:yesyes:.I hope you have a wonderful holiday ,Youve certainly earned it ..Lots luv Sue xx:hugs:

07-08-11, 17:24
A massive pat on the back Hazel...you have done really welll...fantanstic and very positive news!!!


07-08-11, 18:34
Hi Hazel
You sound just like me - this time last year I too was in the grip of Anxiety. I, too could never have imagined it happening to me - I didnt cancel my holiday but hated every minute of it and couldn't eat.
I also thought I had all sorts of things wrong with me (still do at times!!) and did have a burst appendix in Sept!!
I have now just been on holiday and loved every minute. I still fear that awful black hole and never want to go there again!!
Enjoy your holiday and every other day
Philippa x

08-08-11, 19:00
Well done Hazel have a lovely holiday. Interesting about the oats as I eat porridge every day. EJ.

Hazel B
08-08-11, 21:06
Thanks Suzy, JT, flippa & Elizabeth Jane. This site also helped me get through the worst as I get advice and support. It's much appreciated.:hugs:

Hazel B
16-09-11, 20:41
Hi All

I'm going away this weekend! It's finally arrived. I'll be offline after the weekend but back with you all when I get home.

You can beat anxiety and if I can do it, so can you!


16-09-11, 21:23
Have a wonderful holiday Hazel! Tell us all about it when you get back x :hugs:

20-09-11, 22:13
Hi Hazel

When you read this youll have returned from your hols :). I hope you had a great time and well done for how far you have came. I loved reading the list you wrote about things that helped you. Well done! :winks:

Hazel B
26-09-11, 22:44
Thanks everyone and Mizfiesta and Bravedart.

I'm back and had a fab time! My only little worry was in the channel tunnel on the train as I hate feeling "closed in" but I just ignored the silly voice in my head and did it!

I went to Monaco, Nice, Marseille and Paris. Woo hoo!

This time last year I had to cancel a cruise as I was so anxious. It takes time but you can get well.

Thanks to all for your support & to Nic and admin for keeping the site going.:D