View Full Version : Citalopram blip and muscle pain in legs

04-08-11, 22:58
Hi all

I have been back on 10mg Cit for some time now and was plodding along nicely until the last week or so where I have had what I think might be a blip and wondered if anyone on here can relate?

First off I have started having some weird leg pains. It feels like muscle one minute then nerve pain the next, then tingly, then muscular again. I can't quite pin it down. I also have the angry unsettled leg feeling at night when I am trying to sleep.

Secondly, sleeping - suddenly for no apparent reason I have been struggling with sleep. I feel sure I am stopping breathing and I wake suddenly in total panic, unsure if my heart stopped or my body jump started me awake or what but very confused and scared. I also had one night of the zaps like when coming off Cit, but I had taken it for sure - it was almost like a rush of electricity surging through my whole body.

Finally my anxiety has undoubtedly increased...again for no apparent reason but I am finding myself graduating towards Dr Google again, starting the health issues again etc etc etc. The only reason I can find for any anxiety is that I have stopped smoking and I was using Champix but I have taken myself off of those and carrying on without them as they made me feel ill and miserable.

Sorry that is all a bit lengthy :blush: but is anyone able to relate to any of this? I feel like I am going mad here and angry that I am going backwards after really getting back on track and controlling my anxiety.


05-08-11, 17:51
nobody huh? :scared15:

07-08-11, 11:27
Hey Nikki,
Sorry I haven't experienced what you are going through, but I am sure you are right re smoking and anxiety. I guess it will take some time to settle again - trouble with anxiety, its a vicious circle isn't it! Is there anything you can do to take your mind off it? Go visit some friends, listen to loud music? Perhaps plan a holiday?
We all do have blips, so don't be angry at yourself, try to accept that it will happen and wait for it to pass.

Good luck, thinking of you!

Chris W
07-08-11, 11:30
Hi Nikki

I have had reports from a number of customers who have said that they suffered quite similar and some a lot worse and have gone to the doc's in fear of their life thinking thats something's wrong with them. A few customers have reported back the the Dr has took them off the drug for a few days and with some it seems to have resolved issues.


07-08-11, 11:53
Hi Nikkiki, I'm sorry if this is going to sound contradictory but a few points. Firstly SSRIs can cause things like restless leg syndrome, which sounds like what your night-time prob is.

On the other hand 10mg of cit isn't really considered what they call a therapeutic dose ie enough to work properly for you. It certainly could be that stopping smoking is the reason for the increase in your anxiety, and that it will pass, but if it doesn't, it might be worth speaking to your doc about increasing the cit.

To further contradict myself, being on ADs doesn't mean you will feel wonderful all the time. I'm on quite a high dose of Prozac but I still struggle at times (got some difficult things going on at the moment. I do believe I'd be much worse off without it but it doesn't do all the work on its own, I still have to go back to using stuff I learned in CBT an so on.

I suppose in the end I am saying there are no easy answers ever when it comes to meds, it seems to come down to weighing up pros and cons a lot of the time.

Finally, mybenefitclaim, that is one of the worst pieces of advice I've ever seen given. Coming off an AD "for a few days" is far more likely to give you discontinuation syndrome (which can be an extremely unpleasant) han make you feel better.

07-08-11, 12:20
Hi Nikki ..I agree with Jane .Sounds very much like the dose isnt doing anything and you need to increase it .Stopping smoking does cause increased anxiety too .So id definately go see your Dr about increasing your dose .NEVER stop taking this type of medication for a few days .It leaves the body by half a dose every 33 hours .Withdrwals are imminent if you do this .You will also get increased Anxiety when you start taking them again .Restless legs are a side effect of this drug ,usually getting up and walking about helps .Im sure this will all get better once you find the correct dose ,Starting dose is usually 20mg but many are on even higher doses .Take care and all the best Luv Sue xx

Chris W
07-08-11, 12:27
Hi jane,
Thank you for your comment there, the comment I mentioned was not particular advise to a person of what to do!! I am merely passing on comments which have been made to us by our customers who are suffering from the same conditions.... After all every person is different on the way that they react to medication . We would NEVER advise a person to come off a medication as that would not be in our interests to do so and we are not medical specialists

08-08-11, 09:37
Hi guys - thank you for your replies.

I have now been off the cigarettes for 31 days and off Champix for well over a week and the more the days tick by the less I am feeling the effects I described, especially the sleeping thing which was freaking me out!

The first night I took myself off Champix I did actually have the brain zaps similar to those coming off the Cit so logically it must have been some kind of reaction - Champix affects the brain too so makes sense huh? Anyway the sleeping has settled now as long as I drift off with the TV on - for some reason that helps me.

The restless legs must be the Cit like you said Jane. That is easing a little now :)

I think I will bear in mind the fact that my dose is very low and coming off cigs is notorious for causing some really awful depression and anxiety. The irony is the smoking caused my anxiety, yet stopping smoking makes it worse. HA! Oh well, it's temporary anyway.

Thank you again everyone for your input, I feel much reassured now :)

08-08-11, 10:28
Good news and well done for getting off the fags xxx

08-08-11, 10:29
Hi Nikki - I just wanted to say thank you for making me roar with laughter - your reference to "Dr Google" - it so summed me up when I am anxious!!

You sound a lot better - I am sure the Champix and the Citalopram must have given you some weird effects - as you say they have similar side effects.

I am on 20mg Cit and certainly get the strange leg sensations!

Good luck with all