View Full Version : Sweating Anyone?

04-08-11, 23:09
I am an incredibly sweaty guy :blush:. It's particularly bad at this time of year, but it's really an issue all year round.

The smallest exertion will start it off. And if I'm doing something that makes me feel self-conscious I can literally feel it running down my arms.

I'm sure I'm not that unfit or out of shape, so I figure it has to be something to do with anxiety, unless it's just genetic (my Dad is also sweaty, but not to nearly the same extent.)

I also have a problem with 'cold & clammy' hands, which makes me hesitant whenever other people want to shake/hold them.

I have tried many different brands of anti-perspirant, totally slathered myself in the stuff, but all it really seems to do is hide the smell slightly. None of them seem dependable.

Has anyone found a practical solution to this problem? I'm not keen on going to the doctors as:
1) Doing so tends to make me extremely anxious
2) The medical treatments I've read about sound out of all proportion - surely getting your armpits injected with botox isn't a proportionate solution.

So, any tips?

04-08-11, 23:23
Have you tried Mitchum Deodorant ? Theres a new one out that is meant to give protection for longer than normal too .Tescos sell it ..Botox might sound drastic but it is effective ..Also your diet needs to eliminate certain food .eg Spicey ..Curry ..Sweat can smell worse when you eat this sort of food .Wearing pure cotton will help rather than man made materials ..Your lucky you dont live abroad ,things would be much worse for you .Sorry I cant be of more help ..t/c Sue

04-08-11, 23:58
This is me! haha. I can walk in the freezing cold with a tee on and i will sweat like hell lol.
Ive also tried everything out there. Sorry i cant be of help but i just wanted to say ur not alone

05-08-11, 00:04
Oh my goodness, I can sympathise tiredzombie.

I have been trying to book an appointment with my GP recently about this very thing. I have had what I would call abnormal sweating for many years. I can walk 5 mins up the road to the shops at a slow pace, without feeling anxious and by the time I get there my neck and back are saturated with sweat.

Hot or cold weather, it is always the same, and like you, I don't have hyperhydrosis in the worst sense and need botox injections, I just sweat buckets without much prompting.

Like you, I put it down to anxiety at first, but I had it even before I became unwell with anxiety years ago, so I want to see if my GP can at least check my thyroid in case that has something to do with it.

It is maddening isn't it?

Like Sue, I'm afraid I can't be much help, but in terms of a good deodorant/anti persp I use (and I know this sounds odd) SURE FOR MEN INVISIBLE ICE which is a 24hr anti p/deodorant and I find it very good for keeping the underarms fairly dry and odour free. I use men's products for this as I do find them more effective than women's.

Just wanted you to know you are not alone in this!:)

05-08-11, 00:27
Lets hope we have a freezing cold Winter again, so I can sit outside in my t-shirt at minus ten centigrade without getting a sweat on!!!!!!!!!! :yesyes:

05-08-11, 07:55
Yep, this is me. Sweat, sweat, sweat!! I hate it. I sweat from my head mostly so its really obvious.
I hate this hot muggy weather, it makes me feel ill, and the more I feel ill (sick etc) the more anxious I get!! Vicious circle!!

05-08-11, 08:38
Are you on medication at all? Its a sideeffect of some medications which can flare up if u already had the problem in the first place.
Sue's post is pretty helpful, iv heard tht botox is meant to work really well for that kind of thing :)

good luck

05-08-11, 09:12
Hey, I have this problem! I went to the GP last year and got a deodorant on prescription. And guess what, it works! The only thing is it only works under the arms, doesn't seem to work anywhere else on the body. But it's a start. It's also pretty strong and can be itchy and sore sometimes. I can't remember what it's called and I'm at work at the moment but when I get home I'll get the name of it.

05-08-11, 10:07
My brother had this problem and went to the docs about it who said he had hyperhydrosis or something like that, excess sweating. he was prescribed a special deoderant and he sais it has worked for him and now he doesnt sweat half as much. He would sweat just sitting down not doing anything lol

05-08-11, 14:52
Hi all, thanks for the replies. I've been doing a bit of searching online and found that you can buy 'prescription strength' antiperspirants online, which are the same ones that you'd get through the doctors, without a prescription. From what I've read they don't sound dangerous to use, so I've decided to risk it and try one. Seems like a sensible next step before something more drastic like botox.
Will let you know if it works :)

05-08-11, 20:29
You need to use anhydrol forte, it use to be prescription only but you can get it at the pharmacy now. It does work, you put it on underarms that are completely dry before you go to bed, then wash it off in the morning. If all goes well u only have to put it on 2/3 times a week.

However it can really sting and burn but can can be excellent. I had to give up on it as I found my skin was just too sensitive, especially if you are a girl and shave (tmi). Whatever you do don't put it on after shaving as it will hurt big time :wacko:

Hope this helps


PS Don't waste your money on all the other ones, I found they just don't work and are expensive

07-08-11, 10:45
...I got prescribed Odaban. Such a catchy reassuring name! Anyway, it works, but only under the arms.