View Full Version : tonsillectomy :(

05-08-11, 09:51
Hey everyone,

I havent been on here for a good while now as id been doing so well keeping my anxiety under control, but i have been quite unwell over the past 18months with constant tonsillitis and tonsil abcesses which would then infect my ears its been a hard slog being so poorly all the time! ive had antibiotics to treat tonsillitis over 20 times in 18 months!

I saw my ENT specialist yesterday and it has been decided that at the grand age of 28 ive to have my tonsils out an the date is set for the 7th oct!! im so nervous its unreal an all my anxietys have come back!

Anyone had any experience of this that can put my mind at ease?

Claire xxx

05-08-11, 11:25
Hi Claire

I had my tonsils out when I was 23 or 24 (a few years ago now), after having very similar problems to you - constant tonsillitis, my tonsils were always huge and I was ill all the time.

I did have some (quite rare) complications afterwards, but the actual procedure itself was OK. This was before I had such bad anxiety problems, but I was still extremely nervous about having it done especially as I'd never had a general anaesthetic before. It was horrible the night before, because of the nervousness, but as is almost always the case it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'd spent far too long googling and scaring myself of course. Getting the anaesthetic was weird, different from how I thought it would be - I thought I would gradually drift off like going to sleep but it felt like I was literally wide awake one minute with my heart pounding, then out like a light with no awareness of it happening! Maybe because of all the adrenaline in my system?? And next thing I knew I was waking up afterwards. Yes, it was sore afterwards but no worse than the worst tonsillitis I'd ever had and they do keep you well stocked up on painkillers!

Is there any particular aspect you're worried about, like the anaesthetic, or how it will feel when you come round?

Fly away Katie
05-08-11, 12:37
Just think how amazing you'll feel not having stupid tonsils to worry about anymore!!! :) and let us know how it all goes. You'll be fine :) x x x