View Full Version : BLOOD in mucus. Frightened

Fly away Katie
05-08-11, 10:59
About 2 days ago I developed a bad throat. Just a normal bad throat as far as myself and everyone else was concerned. (Obviously with added worry on my part).

Yesterday it was bearable. Just the same old pain/dryness that you get. I managed to keep calm and get through the day. Although last night I was walking home from town and had a panic attack because my throat went dry and I forgot a drink, so I imagined it closing up and I had a panic attack. It calmed down a bit after a warm cup of tea and some Nurofen. (and a cuddle and reassuring words off my mum)

However didn't sleep all night last night because of worry :weep:

Went to docs just now and they said it looks red and sore. Just a normal throat infection as far as they can tell. I have no temperature. Normal body it's just a sore throat....

I also mentioned I have a lot of mucus coming up... well NOT coming up, sitting in an annoying place in my throat and trying to choke me... Doc said nothing about that..

I've just come home, and tried to hack some more mucus up for comfort purposes and I had a bit of blood in the mucus.. OMG PANIC STRICKEN!!!!

WHAT IF WHAT IF WHAT IF? :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

Ive blown my nose... normal mucus. NO BLOOD. Coughed again, no blood again... Anyone else had harmless blood in their mucus? IM SCARED.

Lots of love.. Katie :weep::weep::weep: xxx

(Id just like to mention that my throat is my weak point in anxiety aswell.. Always going tight when I panic, can't swallow most of the time ect) xxx

And also I have a massive phobia that ill be allergic to medicine.. So I cant take anything other than childrens Nurofen and have to suffer :( xxx

lucy devine
05-08-11, 11:13
I have had the same thing when I have had a throat infection...it is quite normal for little bits of blood to come up in mucus when tiny blood vessels in the throat have been damaged...this could be to you coughing, clearing your throat, dryness, anything really :)
do not worry at all..i went to the hospital about this once before, panicking as you do, and they said it was harmless and nothing at all to worry about :)
i hope this helps :)

Fly away Katie
05-08-11, 11:50
Thank you! Your reassurance means the world to me!
My dad just bought me 'Multi-Action' ACTIFED for dry coughs, andSoluble paracetamol. I've read the info already for the Dry coughs one... It says do NOT take if you have coughed up any blood... So I guess I can't take it :(
And im terrified of the paracetamol!!!I hate my life. My dad shouted at me and then walked out saying im beyond help :weep::weep::weep:

lucy devine
09-08-11, 13:20
your dad is only shouting because he is concerned and most likely hates seeing you like this, it is hard for those who haven't experienced anxiety to understand it so don't worry xxx
how is the cough now?
i think the medicine means if you have coughed up a lot of blood, not little speckles as loads of blood (pretty much gushing up) is a sign of a more serious problem.
yours was just from irritating small blood vessels so don't worry :)
you take care and let me know how you are