View Full Version : Far fetched - but toothache and anxiety?

05-08-11, 12:08
Hi everyone,

Haven't been here for a while as doing so well. This is a weird one...am wondering if anyone can help.

Last summer I had a veneer put on my front tooth. Afterwards it was sensitive, and the pain never went away like. Months later in Feb this year it got worse, and I ended up having a root canal on the tooth, as it turns out the nerve in the tooth had died. However I continued to have pain after the root canal, even though it looked like a good job. Since then I've had loads done and nothing has helped me.

I have now had:
The first root canal
A second root canal by the same dentist
A 3rd root canal done by a top endodontist (specialist)
My bite adjusted (because they thought my veneer was slightly larger than the other teeth and I clench at night)
And a night guard fitted to prevent any clenching or grinding onto the tooth.

Nothing has helped me - I'm still in pain. It aches all day, and it's sensitive to pressure so I can't eat on it. The dentist is pretty much stumped as there is no sign of infection at all, it looks perfect. Neighbouring teeth are also all perfect, no decay.

Because of my past health anxiety I'm wondering whether actually I could be imagining the whole thing?! I mean - maybe it hurt at first but now it is fixed but I continue to feel the pain?! I know it sounds crazy and even I think this is probably a real issue, but has anyone ever experienced this? I'd be really glad to hear of any similar stories (or even from someone who has had a similar issue and later discovered the problem!!) It's beginning to really get me down to be honest, I've been in pain for so long. :weep:

05-08-11, 12:28
I had similar problems for several years, everytime I had toothache(which I had frequently) treatment never helped -even after extractions I still had pain. After changing dentists several times and spending a lot of money finally got refered to a dental hospital and was immediately diagnosed with aytipical facial pain which simply put means there is nothing wrong with my teeth but the nerves which are permanently switched on to 'pain ' mode and I have probably had lots of treatment that I haven't needed and has made it worse.
Since the diagnosis I have felt much better and notice it much less and dont panic everytime I feel pain and after a short time it fades. It's treated with antidepressents which unfortunately didn't suit me but I am doing ok without them and can wait until my next hospital appointment in 2 months to discuss the side effects because just knowing what it is has helped it fade. I have also being having accupuncture which I am sure has worked - and the consultant I saw recommended it. She also said I scored very highly on the anxiety questionnaire I did and I am sure the pain was the cause of the anxiety but that the anxiety also made me more conscious of the pain and made it escalate. Hope this helps -have to say here in UK took me years to get refered to dental hospital though.

05-08-11, 14:05
Wow...thanks for your reply, its something to think about. Was your pain quite general around your teeth or did it feel very much specific to a certain tooth each time? The fact that mine is so focused on one tooth is making me think there is a problem that hasn't been spotted. But Im going to keep this in mind - what dental hospital did you go to?

05-08-11, 16:25
Root canal jobs on front teeth are pretty straightforward compared to back teeth..... only one canal to deal with....... the back teeth have 3 or 4 and much less easy to access........ so its strange you're having this trouble. If it continues to give you a lot of trouble, you could always have it out and a bridge put across the gap though they are expensive.

05-08-11, 17:23
Its extremely unusual - the professionals dont know what to do.

They're extremely reluctant to remove what seems to be a perfectly health tooth. As am I - and the thought of having my front tooth extracted at 26 years old makes me want to cry. I desperately want to save it.

05-08-11, 17:45
Hi there,
Im 16 years old and i have the same problem, although i havn't had a root canals or anything. They didn't even do an x-ray, i can hardly chew on my teeth. They have given me a teeth gaurd because i grind, but that doesnt help, they are also very sensitive but no toothpaste works. I seriously don't know what to do anymore, i feel like im annoying them, but everything they say doesn't work and they won't do an x-ray. :( x

05-08-11, 20:38
Duke - have you read about TMJ? Maybe you have that - it's not serious but it can be painful. It does sound like you might.

If your dentist wont do an xray then change dentist - if you want one then you should have one done, just insist on it, they have to say yes!