View Full Version : panic

05-08-11, 15:51

Havent been on this site for ages was doing really well and having CBT treatment for panic attacks and then last Sunday I had a panic attack. I forgot all that i had learnt and basically got scared by it all again. Since then I have been anxious for most of the time and having Panic attacks especially at night or in the evening.

Its so annoying I was starting to overcome my problems I was going out and becoming more independent I hate having to rely on my family for things its like im a child again.

Things that i had done easily even just walking to the shops have become a problem.

At least i know that i having overcome my problems once i shouls be able to do it again. I just want my lifeback to how it was and be the person i was before.

05-08-11, 15:52
Hi Cat

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-08-11, 15:57
I'm really very new, but just wanted to send a virtual hug and I'm sure others will be along soon to tell you that this is just a blip on the road to recovery - you still have all th skills you've learnt to cope with anxiety and panic attacks, you just need to keep practising them :-) From the treatment I have had it is much easier to do them when calm than it is when in the middle of a panic attack.

05-08-11, 17:02
Thanks and welcome to the website, I hope you find lots of support on here its reassuring to read other peoples stories and realize that its not just yourself going through this.

05-08-11, 17:21
Hi Cat,


You can & will get through this, you've done it before.
Don't give up on yourself - keep posting - we are all going through the same thing.

Emily xxx

05-08-11, 17:27
Hi cat,
Let us know how you're getting on.

05-08-11, 17:51
Welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice you are looking for and maybe find a few friends along the way
