View Full Version : Hello all from a newbie Sootica!

05-08-11, 16:27
:) Hey there I've just signed up, I am diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and OCD and my main problem is relationship anxiety and GAD, but also integrating into society in general - (partly my illness partly just me being a bit of a lefty!)
I live with my partner, I moved from my home town a few years back to a big city and am feeling a bit isolated and missing birds and bees and friends!
I am currently in NHS psychotherapy after a year long wait.
Over the years I have been on lots of different meds and tried lots of councilling and types of therapy in short bursts, lots of self help methods etc, but I am a work in progress, having lived with anxiety most of my life (it kicked in big time when I hit 11 and I am now 30).
I love animals, nature, swimming, film and dancing to favourite tunes! Oh and food - but I try not to eat much as I get zilch exercise!
Should also mention am on ESA and in middle of appeal against Atos/DWP decision.

05-08-11, 16:34
Hi Sootica

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-08-11, 17:22
Welcome Sootica!!!

Glad you found us!

Emily xxx

05-08-11, 17:25
Welcome, everyone here are so nice and very helpfull. Helped me this week from feeling alone

05-08-11, 17:50
Welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice you are looking for and maybe find a few friends along the way
