View Full Version : Moving house and a change of job in a week

05-08-11, 19:30
Hi all,

I am new to the website and would love some advise on my current situation. I have recently moved house and job in the same week and this has brought on some regular panic attacks with a lot of some strong symptoms.
I am really struggling to get up in a morning and my "normal" personality and relaxation levels have seemed to disappear 90% of the time
I have been to the doctors and they have prescribed a 10mg medication but that does not seem to be helping, I am also taking berroca for vitamin B.

Please help if anyone has been through this before because I want to enjoy my new role and house but it seems like they have ruined more than enriched my life ATM.

05-08-11, 23:56
A couple months ago it could have been me writing this post! I moved house in March and started a new job in April and it was all too much for me!! All the changes eventually led to me going to the doctors about my anxiety as I felt like I was drowning in all my new situations.

I feel settled in my house now - I live with my boyfriend but he works a lot - and I don't mind being in on my own. I have the odd wobble every now and then but when I'm in a regular routine I find I'm not as anxious.

As for the job, well its a working progress - I like my job (I'm a teacher) but the setting maybe isn't the one for me. I feel like I've been doing well at my job but my anxiety makes me paranoid that others don't agree and want me out! I've spoken to my senior management team and they seem kind of supportive (some more than others) but I do feel glad I've told them about how I've been feeling. Currently on Summer holidays so my anxiety hasn't been too bad, but I do think when I'm back to work it'll rise again.

My advise would be focus on settling into your house and making it feel like yours - you may feel better about going to work knowing your going home to a nice new house. Also, if you can, tell someone at work how you're feeling - managers should be supportive and guide you through your problems.

Good luck!!