View Full Version : Small pea-sized lump on neck

05-08-11, 20:18
I was shaving one day and I felt a lump on my neck, I actually shaved over it and it bled quite a bit, a lot more than your usual shaving cut. Anyway, I'm pretty scared about it at the moment. It's located around an inch below my jawbone on left side of my neck. It's pea-sized and only protrudes through the skin when I tilt my neck to the right so the skin is tightened. I can pinch it and move it around a lot it's not painful or discomforting in any way, I don't even notice it's there. I want to see my doctor but I'm sort of having trouble building up courage to do it. What do you think it is?

evil monkey
05-08-11, 20:48
Might be Lymph nodes ?

05-08-11, 21:04
i had something similar but i found it uncomfortable, like pressure on the neck but then after awhile it goes, i just assumed it was a random tension in the neck.

05-08-11, 21:04
Might be Lymph nodes ?

Do lymph nodes normally protrude through the skin like this?

05-08-11, 21:19
Sounds like a sebaceous cyst to me. My sons has had a couple of them on his face and neck. They were the size of a pea, hard and a bit movable, they didnt hurt.

05-08-11, 22:20
Sounds like a sebaceous cyst to me. My sons has had a couple of them on his face and neck. They were the size of a pea, hard and a bit movable, they didnt hurt.

I looked it up and I'm pretty certain this is what it is. I feel immensely relieved! Still going to visit GP just to be absolutely sure but I feel 100x better about going now. Thanks for all the replies, people!

05-08-11, 23:20
cyst or boil I reckon

08-08-11, 19:23
If you can move it around and it's not painful it's likely to be harmless sebaceous cyst. Go to the GP to be sure, normally they don't even remove them unless it's causing you a nuisance.

13-08-11, 14:01
Ive had on for 13 years in exact same place as you. I totally freaked out and thought I had cancer. The doctor said they are very common and actually showed me one that he had the same. My sister and mum both have one and Mum has one on her wrist also. So dont worry.