View Full Version : drinking

05-08-11, 20:18
Hi i normally leave drinking till about this time if not later- i have a little in the day as im scared of choking. but then it gets to this time and i get worried about dehydration so i down a pint-1 ans a half pints of water or squash. I have a headache now. just had water. but im a bit worried.

05-08-11, 20:20
Its ok, just make sure you drink throughout the day, (i can't talk much lol, thats a prpoblem i have aswell lol) You can do it :) xx

05-08-11, 20:21
I thought you meant alcohol for a minute... You should be OK sticking to squash Emma :D

eight days a week
05-08-11, 20:25
You have to drink in the end anyway Emma, so why not drink little sips (you can't choke on sips!) all day rather than waiting till the evening?

05-08-11, 20:25
you need to drink during the day you can make things worse by not it can make you dizzy faint headaches ect

why no just sip little and often or use a straw or ie lollys?

05-08-11, 20:29
haha. thanl u. i do feel dizzy and shaky now. i havnt eaten much all day- yoguhurt and a scotch egg so eating dinner(salad now)

05-08-11, 20:31
im gonna try always having a drink on me of im in

05-08-11, 22:16
im sorry to post this but my right arm KILLs and the hand feels funny- like tingles dunno how to describe it. and got the feeling in arm to

05-08-11, 22:33
Emma its nothing honestly, its just everyday pains everyone gets them, my arm went all tingly today and it went numb for about 4-5 seconds and then came back to normal :) your ok xx