View Full Version : To long to wait for doctors, im going to die in the process.

05-08-11, 20:31
I am defaintely going to die either tonight or within the next few days, i just know it.

I have been trying for two whole weeks to get a doctors app and i havn't got one at all. I made a app for next week as they said they had a cancellation on a advanced booking and they gave me that. Im so scared im not going to make it until then though.

I have been SOSOSOSOSOSOO dizzy, and i almost collapsed at work, i was hot and sweating and i couldn't breathe. Also im trying to sing along to a song and its really hurting my ears (ear ache) and the back of my head, which is also pressured and really tense at the top of my neck/head. So worried!

Within the past few weeks when ive started work my stomach has got worse as we have to wait until ages to have our lunch, so i get ALOT of acid and things, and im scared this has affected a stomach ulcer i might have (according to the doctor). The doctor told me to come back to her within a week if the pills didn't work (omeprazole) for my stomach. It's now been three weeks since this and i have got an app next week. So im so worried im going to die before i get to the app or before i have any tests or get the results back if i have tests.

I feel like im floating with my head, its like im floating away and can't move, also im really bloated and i can hardly breathe, im not even anxious and panicking though? I don't understand whats going on. Everytime i stand up i get EXTREMELY dizzy and sick and i don't understand why?

Someone please help me. Sorry for rambaling on, im just so worried and i don't want this to ruin my weekend as ive worked so hard all week. Thankyou x

05-08-11, 20:41
You won't die Duke. You mention a lot of symptoms and I think many of them are caused or related to your high levels of anxiety. And excessive stomach acid doesn't necessarily mean an ulcer or death!

You will be OK but please tell your doc about all this anxiety and the impact it's having on your health.

05-08-11, 20:43
"SOSOSOSOSOSOO dizzy, and i almost collapsed at work, i was hot and sweating and i couldn't breathe."
this can be caused ny anxiety- some people genreally sweat a lot. Try to drink some water and be calm when this happens
"which is also pressured and really tense at the top of my neck/head. So worried! "
this for sure is tension(we dont notice that we tense) you will be ok
also dizziness can can be because of head pressure from tension.

05-08-11, 20:43
also earlier i felt like i was swaying back and forth x

05-08-11, 20:54
Can't you ask for an emergency appointment?

If you are really scared, talk to NHS Direct. I have a friend who is a paramedic and she says it's extremely rare they deal with a real situation (like 95% of the time or more, it's not) and they get a LOT of people who are 'just' suffering from panic attacks.

To me you don't sound like you are suffering from anything but anxiety. Anxiety has been so bad for me at points I literally couldn't walk or stand up or swallow, etc. It's powerful! However, you ARE suffering right now and you need some help, so don't be embarrassed about asking for it sooner, get a doctor out to you to reassure you, talk to a nurse on the phone.

I hope you feel better soon.

05-08-11, 23:10
That's called a panic attack me love, you need to see a GP for counselling. You seem to have a lot of posts with health worries and you need to get to the root of your anxiety. They will talk to you regarding your past and present and they will really help you. Good luck x

06-08-11, 04:39
there all anixety symptoms you need cbt if you have a womens enter nr you you can ring and arrange cbt your self you wont die hun

if your worried give nhs direct a call they can sort you out a earlier appoinment with a doctor x

06-08-11, 05:20
Even though your not ment to, I find if I simply turn up at my doctors office and ask if I can see the doctor more often than not I'll get to see him.

Maybe just maybe your symptoms are not sinister .
I understand it feels awful but your anxious reaction to it won't help .

As far as the dizziness goes, maybe you have too much ear wax, are suffering from vertigo, maybe your diet lacks some vitamins, maybe you have TMJ or your grinding you teeth at night which can affect your ears making you feel dizzy.

They are lots of harmless things including anxiety that might be causing it.

As for the sweating it's warm these days and anxiety makes you break out in a sweat.

Long term anxiety does really affect your tummy by slowing down the digestive process , try eating yogurt with live cultures or take some of those hood bacteria flora tablets.

I'm sorry your so scared, I often feel the same way as if I'm just waiting fir some thing awful to happen to me.

When I stand up I head rush, my feels like it will pop, my ears fill up, my vision gies funny, I get a headache, so I sit back down and breath till it passes ,
I think it's caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure, it's very common and pretty harmless.

I hate to say it but anxiety can cause a lot of those symptoms or a least be making them worse.