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06-08-11, 10:14
Right, i have posted alot on here all on different headings. And im starting to think i need to just stop and chill out!! Anyway, please read all my symptoms and let me know if you get it and to what extent because i just dont buy it!! Well, i think im gettin there but theres still another voice telling me that its something serious :(

One day i was just sat watching tele and i got a warm rush through my whole body. I got sweaty, shaky and numb. I felt sick and dizzy. My heart was beating so fast and i felt i couldnt breath!! (This only happened once) felt sick for 2 days after.

I woke up in the morning. Felt like i was ein shuck up and down. Side to side. Opened my eyes. The room was spiinin 100mph!! I felt sick. Numbe. Shaky. Palpitations. I sat up and after a few seconds the spinnin stopped
It stopped. (Still felt sick with palps) lay back down it started again. Sat up. Stopped. Still felt ill. After half ano hour was sick but i felt abit better. Anyway i felt really terribly ill for a week following. So ill infact, i went doctors twice and emergency!!

Frequent headaches
Alot of headrushes when i stand (vision nearly goes and head feels burning)
Dizzy/lightheadedness (always feel quite dizzy but i was lightheaded for a whole week following the room spinnin but it seems to of settled)
Feel like im watching instead of being there
Ears poping/sounds like water
Static vision with twinkles in sky and flashes of objects ive just been lookin at
Random butterflies
Random tingling (whole body) - has got better ( thiught it was side effect to meds)
Feel like im guna cry over the littliest of things
Just "switch off" mid conversation
Feel like i have to "act"
Shaking (stopped now)
Constant thinking
Cant relax
Wake in night
Falling/spinning sensation when going sleep
Feel really ill - vision bad in morning
Had chest pain for couple days
Get startles easily
Sensitive to light and noise
Feel like whats the point? - but i do want to go and do things but something just makes me tired and feel sick when im on my way out etc
Panic when i dont get a reply when my baby is bein minded
Short tempered
Even when i feel happy i feel like im actin it
Dont find i laugh at things like i used too
When im watching a film or tele i just think about EVERYTHING and dont actually watch
Nothing seems that "fun"
Dont feel anyone understands
Dont feel anyone really cares
Dont feel i get enough attention or praise
Cant see the future(eventhough i have alot of good very realistic plans)
Blind spots (rare)
Sometimes my vision flickers
Aches and pains
Pins and needles( acocasionally)

Think ive got ocd but ive had it years and ears before all this (not told anyone)

Think thats everything. Its a long list and i hope im not conpletely alone. I currently waiting to be reviemed by pyscologists so im hoping once i start with help i will see a difference and eventually overcome this!!

Thank you so much for reading

06-08-11, 13:25

I have experienced all of these things as I am sure many, many other members here have too.

Firstly, the thing you experienced when watching tv and then in the morning sounds like a panic attack. They won't kill you hun, though I know they feel like it with the racing heart and breathing symptoms. They stem from high anxiety.

I wouldn't be so bold as to try to diagnose you hun, but I have suffered depression and anxiety and almost all of your symptoms resonate with me. You say you have had OCD for years which is anxiety driven too, so it does sound like you are now having many more anxiety symptoms.

Things like 'can't see a future' and 'not laughing at stuff you used to' and anger are depression symptoms, without a doubt, but the majority of them sound like anxiety.

It is good that you are already due to see a psychologist and get help with this. You are going in the right direction with this so stay strong, you can get through all of this.


Gemma T
06-08-11, 13:45
If your symptoms had a check list i would tick them all and add achy glands and ear ache, sore/burning tongue/mouth.

This whole shaking when you woke up thing sounds alot like what used to happen to me. I would fall asleep and feel my bed trembling to the extent that it knocked my wall. I thought i had a poltergist to be honest but i read about something called shaking bed syndrome in a nightmare encyclopedia. There were two schools of though for the causes. Anxiety and out of body experiences. Im quiet the paranormal fan so Id go with the exciting out of body experiences but anxiety is definatly a possiblity. The after affects you had sound alot like fear and anxiety to me.


Gemma x x x

06-08-11, 14:15
Thank you. Im just fed up. Feel like im floating. This all makes me feel better. Talkin but ui still feel bad

Gemma T
06-08-11, 14:33
Yeh i hear that. You can have the top specialist inthe world telling you there is nothing wrong and you will sit there thinking hes full of it and aint listening to you. I sometimes feel like my anxiety is blamed and things are fobbed off when im down but i know its me and my negative thoughts. Its like having a split personality or something. Im fine then im not. Im dying them im alive. Ill use the time to make the most of life then i will sit and cry abot my impending death. Its so up and down and sometimes you want to rip your hair out, sometimes you have the strength to tackle it head on and other times you will think well if ive got it ove got it, just gotta deal with it. So many emotions, so many twist and turns, so many ups and downs. Your in a room full of peeple who love and care about you but you feel alone, trapped and helpless.

Just imagine what we would be capable of could we use all of our brain x x x

06-08-11, 16:40
Feel so tired all the time. Yes. I know what you mean. I just sit and think go away go away go away!! Im just prayin im fine and this therapy helps. Really need it to x

Gemma T
08-08-11, 13:47
The theraphy would do you the world of good if you want it to. Believe you will benefit and your head will catch up. CBT helped me when i first had health anxiety. Its back now and im on the waiting list again x x x

08-08-11, 14:09
I've had most, if not all of those at one point as well, and for the most part they come at me together in groups.

Counselling and therapy can help a great deal, but if you're waiting to see one I assume you've already been to the GP?

You'll see people talking a lot about deep, slow, controlled breathing which is very useful as it helps put your body back into a calmer state.

It's also worth saying to yourself 'stop' and then 'this is just anxiety/panic and I'm safe'. Very simple little mantras, but over time the subconscious part of the brain that's triggering the attacks will start to think 'oh right, i'm worrying over nothing am I' and the attacks will slowly start to ease off over time.

09-08-11, 08:52
But they arnt attacks. Ive had 2 weird panic attack things but im always feeling sick etc. Like ive always go weird eyesigh and stuff but like palpitations come and go but im basically feeling the same all the time. The mood changes are always on and off but at the same time ive always got this sad feelin in the back of my mind.im scared f bein alone. When my bf gets up for work i feel scared and worried. Im so worried about diein.

Ive got this weird pain at the minute from one side of my chest to the other. Its frightening but its coppeable. I feel like im not gettin enough oxygen all the time. I dont feel like im not breathin right and sometimes i think right your fine!

Yeah ive been gp loads. Ive even been back to see them as im waiting for my appointment. Ive also got to go back in couple week.

When i feel "sick" the kinda sick feelin you get when your nervous. Anxious. Waiting for news etc but i dont haave the beating heart etc with that. I maybe have butterflies though

I dont feel i can speak to anyone because i feel embarassed. Even to the doctor. I cant even tell the doctor the full truth. Ive been to 5 different doctors and non of them really seem to know what their talkin about of even care tbh (might be just me though)

I cant relax its impossible

09-08-11, 11:57
It's the same for me. The symptoms are there constantly when I'm feeling bad, and they can change in intensity or remain constant. It just depends on how i'm feeling that day. I also get panic attacks at random intervals, usually later in the day but there's no real regular routine or trigger for them, they're just there.

Just be open and honest with the GP and whatever therapist or counsellor you see as it'll help steer you on the right path to recovery.

I promise you that deep, relaxed breathing helps a lot. Try and put aside two times a day where you sit quietly for 10 minutes and do nothing but concentrate on your breathing. All sorts of thoughts will come into your head at the start but just ignore them as best you can and concentrate on slow, deep and deliberate breathing. It may sound stupid, but it does work. Telling yourself you're ok also works, over time you will start to realise it's true.

If the GP is telling you you're ok, and there are thousands of people suffering with the exact same symptoms as you simply due to stress and anxiety you need to go on a personal PR crusade with yourself to start believing it :)