View Full Version : What do ectopics feel like?

06-05-06, 08:24
I've joined this website - think it is great as you get to read all about your symptoms that other people are having. But I can't find anything that describes what it feels like when you get these ectopics or missed beats? I get them so that they actually stop me breathing and I sit there wondering if my heart is actually going to start beating again. I had never had any palpitation problems with my anxiety until last summer when my dad got diagnosed with cancer and I had a panic attack which felt like a heart attack it was so sore on my chest (though didn't think it was a panic attack at the time since so unlike anything I had ever had before). Since then I get awful palpitations and these things that leave me breathless where my heart seems to stop - usually when I'm sitting around and quite happy and not too anxious!! Can anyone advise?

06-05-06, 11:10
hi norm
i get eptopics all the time and i hate them so much a lot of people get them and there are lotts of posts on them

mine feel like a fluttering in my chest just a split second thing or like a thud in my chest or like my heart has stopped .
they are nasty but i have had mine checked out so many times and they are fine just caused by stress .
you should go to the docs and get looked at just to put your mind at rest he will expplane what they are .
jo x