View Full Version : Low Ferritin

06-08-11, 11:20
Hi everyone. Hope you all are ok. Ive not been on here a while and i have made so much progress since i first devleoped my MS fear.

I need a bit of advice please. I have a loew ferritin count of 18 and have been feeling so dizzy (almost fainting) sick and hot sweats. I know its def not anxiety.......so, would low ferritin cause this?

Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug1:

06-08-11, 11:30

Is that the same as low iron count? If so yes, it can you make you dizzy. I had a low iron count of 6 and was dizzy all the time. GP said was most prob a combo of low iron and anxiety.


06-08-11, 11:33
I think it is the irons storage or something like that. I have never felt so rough. Thanks for replying xxxx

06-08-11, 11:39
Yes, that's what I had too. Iron stores were low even though I wasn't particularly aneamic. It takes a few weeks of iron tablets to feel better but my dizzy spells have definately improved. :)

06-08-11, 11:40
Hi, yes it most definately could make you feel that way.
Ferritin is the iron stored in your body, rather than the iron stored in your blood which leads to anaemia (I think that's right!!). I have low ferritin levels and my GP said it can make you feel very ill in ways that you can't quite put your finger on, that's a very accurate description of how I was feeling. I'm taking Ferrous Fumarate (210mg), are you taking anything?? The iron tablets you buy over the counter are probably not potent enough to raise your levels. My GP said it can take 6 months or more for your levels to return to normal.

I'm due to be re-tested in a few weeks so will see if mine are heading in the right direction. My white blood cell count was low too, was yours??

K xx

06-08-11, 11:45
Hiya, im not sure what my other tests were as my gp is a pig....ive always been treated for low ferriton if its under 60 but this new gp ive been with for the last 2 years has refused to treat my ferriton despite being in the lower end of the 20s for the 2 years :( i dont feel right and your right in saying you cant quite put your finger on it. My main symptoms the last few weeks have been dizzines with feeling of sickness and hot sweats....extreame tiredness and terrible memory. i am also taking Ferrous Fumarate at 305mg twice a day. xx

06-08-11, 11:46
Hi Kah

Yes I am on the ferrous fumerate too. Been on it for 8 weeks and had a blood test last week and it had climbed from 6 to 16. Needs to get to 25 to be considered normal. White blood cells weren't mentioned so I am assuming mine were ok.


06-08-11, 12:13
Hey Carli,

How long have you been taking the F Fumerate?? I know that can give upset stomach, could that be where the nausea if coming from?? I get hot sweats too, didn't know that was a symptom of low ferritin but maybe it is!
It wasn't my usual GP that found out my ferritin levels were low. I actually went to a walk-in-clininc because I was had severe dizziness & vertigo and the doc there diagnosed Labyrinitis but asked for blood tests too. Those came up with the low ferritin & low WBC. My usual GP would have given me something for the labyrinitis but would never have asked for bloods, thank goodness the doc at the walk-in was very thorough!!

K xx

06-08-11, 12:16
Hi ive only been taking them for 2 days. The sickness comes at the same time as the dizziness. I have only almost past out once before in my life and that was when i was pregenant and hadnt eaten properly and again i went dizzy and felt very sick. I think i get the sick feelin because im dizzy. I just hate this feeling dizzy. xx

06-08-11, 12:31
That's a high dose to take. The doc who gave me the tablets said that 210mg might be too much and if it is just take 1 every other day. They can cause tummy ache, diahorrea, nausea etc etc. I know some people who can't take them at all because of the side-effects.
Why don't you start by taking 1 a day and see if it eases the nausea.

K xx

06-08-11, 13:16
Hi, i had the sickness before i started taking the tablets. The only side effect ive noticed it that i have diareaa. just want the dizziness to stop :( xx

06-08-11, 13:24
Oh I see, sorry I misunderstood!
The doc gave me some tablets for the dizziness/vertigo when I had labyrinitis, they are called Stemetil. Maybe you could ask your GP for some, they were very effective xx