View Full Version : med issues

06-08-11, 13:30
hi need some help! have been feeling really bad lately.....doc said i must go back on my meds......which i hate! took my first dose...50mg....of clomipramine yesterday and am feeling awful!!! dry mouth, nauseaus, and so lethargic....and my anxiety feels worse! has anyone else felt bad and had side effects after only one dose? i so dont want to take it anymore.....anyadvice would be greatly appreciated.....thanksx

06-08-11, 14:00
hi :)

just been looking through your previous posts and read you have hellish health cancer anxiety . So sorry you feel like this :hugs:

dont have any knowledge of your meds sorry ............but would say to you KEEP GOING .........it is early days and hopefully will help you so much to get back to an even keel .
for dry mouth keep sipping water and swirling it around . also sugar free chewing gum can help .
hold on .........have nice bath .........put the radio on .distract yourself somehow

and remember to eat little and often .
thinking of you xx

06-08-11, 14:14
thanks snowgoose for your lovelyreply.....jst not sure what todo re meds....im one of those people who seem to react badly to all meds....tho cld be its thefact that im make myselfget all the symptoms cause i expect to get them....vicious circle eh? i hope you are well yourself just now sometimes ithelps to know your not alone ...take care..god blessxxxx

Gemma T
06-08-11, 14:18
I have never taken them but i do get symptoms from other things i take. Not because i have them but because i know about them. Its a horrible cycle. Your doctor knows best trust me x x x

06-08-11, 14:43
i know i should perservere but just cnt handle the rotten side effects!! i have to work all sorts of wacky shifts and find it hard to get into a routine for taking them! unsure of what to do goin to wait a couple of days and see how i feel.....thanks to all for the helpxx

08-08-11, 18:22
I usually get side effects too with any new Med, i started 25mg clomipramene on thursday, upping to 50mg a week from then so this thursday. The side effects are there but not as bad as the first 2 days, i felt awful after my first tablet.

For me its mainly hot flushes, nausea, insomnia the first night and drowsiness. The nausea has subsided thank god. Just give it a bit of time and see how you go, its hard to ride it out i know.