View Full Version : I googled.

06-08-11, 14:02
I googled and now im worried,i read that a ecg is not enough to tell if your heart is healthy so because ive been having chest pains for nearly 2 weeks im in a state.

Gemma T
06-08-11, 14:11
I had chest pains for months and im still here. Trust me its anxiety and the first symptom i had. x x x

06-08-11, 14:14
What were vyour chest pains like? did you get them checked over? ive had a few ecgs and bloods done.x

Gemma T
06-08-11, 14:27
It begun with central chest pains that progressively got worse and become gripping to the extent i doubled over. Also shooting pains. I got them under my breasts and armpit. and sometimes they came round.

I had to ecg's and blood tests on seperate occassions. I occassionally get them now. Since ive excepted its not a heart attack or anything to do with my heart they tend to last seconds and happen once in a blew moon when im anxious.

If youve had one try and except the results. Easier said then done but i got over them and so can you. Dont forget how strong you are x x x

06-08-11, 14:31
My pains move too,i cannot accept its not something sinister,my mind is racing and now ive googled im upset.I cannot believe im in this mess again i thought my HA was better and now this.x

Gemma T
06-08-11, 14:45
I had HA two years ago and Im back today as its reared its ugly head. We have overcome this once and we will do so again. Only this time we have our past experiences to learn from and try and cope better. And most of all we have each other and everyone on here for support. No matter what our anxieties are we can all relate. Your not alone in this x x x

06-08-11, 15:04
They can tell from the blood tests if the heart is ok and I think you had those as well didn't you?

06-08-11, 15:14
I was just going to ask that Nicola,i had bloods done twice,dont know what they were for though,but they were heart related.Im crying to my hubby and hes had enough,dont blame him as this has taken over my life.

anx mum
06-08-11, 15:21
I googled and now im worried,i read that a ecg is not enough to tell if your heart is healthy so because ive been having chest pains for nearly 2 weeks im in a state.

Same here hun u wouldnt believe chest pains ive had ad im still here plz dont goggle worst thing u can do i did and had a pe of course i didnt.

06-08-11, 15:31
They do the blood tests 12 hours apart usually and can tell whether there is a problem with the heart from that. I know this as I have had them done (obviously) seeing as I had a heart attack.

06-08-11, 15:39
Yes i had to wait until the next morning after i got kept in for the bloosd tests,they came back fine,they repeated them last sunday in AE too,sorry i didnt know you had a heart attack.x

06-08-11, 15:50
Hi. Chest pain is a main symtpom if anxiety. I really would try not to worry x

06-08-11, 18:13
my mum has a heart problem and her consultant who is one of the top in the uk said he can tell staright away what is wrong just by looking at a ecg stop googling and relax

06-08-11, 18:48
Well I am living proof that you can survive heart attacks Sandy so please try not to worry.

06-08-11, 20:17
I suffer with the same thoughts about ecg not telling me everything. I have asked my doctor for blood tests but he said there isnt a blood test to tell u ur heart is ok? what blood test did they do? x

06-08-11, 20:55
Not sure what the blood test is but they do it 12 hours apart and it tells them something about the heart.

06-08-11, 22:21
I found this for you all ...


07-08-11, 06:54
Im not sure what tests they done,i know the 12 hour one has been done twice and probably the full blood count and a blood clot one was done too...im in a state again as ive pain and tightness.

07-08-11, 12:59
Sandy hun, I beg of you, hold onto how much google has upset you and remember that next time and every time you are tempted to google. i know we google to try and get reassurance but i promise you, you will never be satistifed and google will only serve to wind you up and petrify you further. the last time i googled i didnt sleep for days. i stil remember what i read and it stil scares me. but every time im tempted to go searching the web for reassurance i bring back how much it messed me up last time. please remember this it will help you immensly.
regarding blood tests, if ur heart was in trouble or deprived of oxygen it would kick out a substance called troponinm that is picked up in blood tests (i worked on a cardiology ward during my nurse training). if and ecg coupled with blood tests says ur ok, then i promise you hun, ur ok. xxxxx

07-08-11, 14:06
hi ive been back to AE as my chest still hurts esp when doing anything it goes fast,all they did was 2 ecgs are sent me home,the ecgs were fine but no bloods were done now im worried as everything is put down to my HA,it was even a junior dr who saw me.I phoned NHS 24 and they sent a ambulance!!!! they guys were great and did a ecg at my house and another was done in AE...what the heck is wrong with my heart/chest area??

07-08-11, 14:25

They won't send you home if you had a heart problem. I keep telling you this.

It is tension most likely. Have you done some gentle stretches like I suggested?

anx mum
07-08-11, 14:45
Dont blame u for ringing nhs direct i would of done the same i know how scared u were ive been there myself. Did u get some piece of mind at hospital?

07-08-11, 14:50
Ive been doing some arm stretches and the normal housework,been trying not to think about it but its there all the time,like theres something wrong with my heart,its hard to explain but its like ive ran a marathon then stopped and im puffed out but ive done nothing to get that feeling...nope i feel the hospital just rolls their eyes at me and thinks here she comes again.

07-08-11, 15:25

Google is the worst thing invented,

In the past year i've conviced myself on everything from heart attack to cancer of every part of my body,

Google something that you know you havent got and see what symptoms come back.

All i can say is keep your chin and try and stay off google.

love and hugs:yesyes:

07-08-11, 15:26
Ment to say as welli got propranolol from my gp last week after i told him about my racing heart,its 80mg and makes me very tired hours after taking it,is this normal?

anx mum
07-08-11, 15:35
Ive been doing some arm stretches and the normal housework,been trying not to think about it but its there all the time,like theres something wrong with my heart,its hard to explain but its like ive ran a marathon then stopped and im puffed out but ive done nothing to get that feeling...nope i feel the hospital just rolls their eyes at me and thinks here she comes again.

Shouldnt worry bout hospital they job is to help u the times ive been there and ive had dirty looks like im making up how i feel. Did u ask ur doc about propanal slows down heartrate.

07-08-11, 15:38
I went to my gps last monday about the heart racing he was a new dr, he gave me propranolol and said to see my normal gp in a week or 2 but i gave in and phoned NHS 24 today as its not getting any better.