View Full Version : Anyone tried Hypnotherapy?

06-08-11, 16:40
Im thinking of trying Hypnotherapy for my HA,has anyone tried it with good results? i simply need something,CBT didint help and my anxiety meds are not helping much either.

06-08-11, 18:14
me i find it really useful i always do it everynight before bed to and sometimes during the day with a tape i was given if you have a iphone theres some fab downloads

06-08-11, 18:31
Ive got a session booked in 2 weeks time,i never thought of trying it myself.

06-08-11, 19:06
i find it really relaxing and it really helps dont expet it to work straight away as you might struggle being able to totally lear you mind fingers crossed it helps

anx mum
06-08-11, 19:57
I found hypnotherapy really relaxing but it did not stop my anxiety returning. Have u finished ur cbt? Try 2 relax by doing a relaxion cd thats what helped me

06-08-11, 20:04
I have had hypno and found it really relaxing and helpful. I am pregnant so couldnt have it every session but have it every other session. There are a few different hypnos to have aswell. So explain to the person eactly what is wrng and why u have HA and they should help you decide which hypno type to have. I have had 4
sessions so far my anxiety is still bad but thats because I cant switch off at the moment. Its pricey but I think its worth it
Google hypno is youir area and it should bring up a website about hypno people and recommend people
Good Luck x

06-08-11, 20:05
I have some hypnosis cd's that are really great at helping me to relax, especially if I use them just before going to sleep they really help me nod off soundly. They didn't cure my panics but any escape from them is a bonus. I didn't find it so easy to relax at a hypnotists as I kept laughing (don't know why, I just couldn't help it).

06-08-11, 20:13
There is also a book called changing limiting beliefs its about 22 pound but its amazing to read x

13-08-11, 00:43
Know this is a week old but I haven't been on lately. I am about 2 months into weekly hypno along with CBT therapy. Finding it very helpful. My therapist also gave me a recorded CD that I use several nights a week. If you are going to try it, stick with the same CD once you find one you like, hopefully the therapist you choose will have their own. It isn't instant but over time does help you learn to relax on your own.

15-08-11, 17:15
me i find it really useful i always do it everynight before bed to and sometimes during the day with a tape i was given if you have a iphone theres some fab downloads

I have an iPad, what apps did you have for it?

15-08-11, 19:00
ill check later but i knoow i have anixety free and relax and sleep and a few other